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Yenna's POV

I'm pacing back and forth inside Mr. Choi's office feeling bothered about Jeonghan's words a while ago. It's been 30 minutes since he locked me up here and warned me to behave until Mr. Choi comes back.

I wasn't planning to escape in the first place. Everything that happened earlier was unplanned. I just grabbed the opportunity of my chance to escape.

But they made it look like it's a dangerous thing to do. They made me feel like I'm going to murder them if I runaway.

That thought bothers me a lot. My conscience will kill me if anyone of them dies because of me.

I don't know but I feel like I have to stay with them longer. It sucks to think that I have to push myself to be with their leader.

Although, some of the members were good to me, their leader is a hundred percent opposite. He's mysteriously dangerous for my being. He kept his hostility hidden behind that handsome face of his.

I blurted out a sigh in defeat as I am now standing near the glass window. It seems like I can't get away from him sooner than I expected.

As I stared at the view before me, my thoughts drowning me again. The tall buildings and the busy streets of Seoul made me warm, yet unhappy. I'll never get a chance to walk or drive to any of those streets again. I'll never get back to my old life. No more work, no more party, no more getaways, no more date, no more Jimin and no more family.

My life, my freedom, my everything. It all crashed down unexpectedly. Until this very moment, there's still hundreds of questions that keeps on bugging me.

"Are you enjoying the view? Or are you mentally planning on how to escape from me again?" I turned my body and saw Mr. Choi casually took off his coat and threw it on the couch. He went to his table and sat there waiting for me to talk.

I did not answer him. I chose to stay quiet and didn't bother to move. He gave me a cold stare, his face almost looked so pissed not hearing anything from me.

"You really are something, Ms. Park. Even your silence aroused me." I raised my eyebrows at him. "You don't know how your mere presence makes me crazy." he added.

He slowly walked up to me without cutting our gaze. I don't why but my body didn't even move an inch until he came closer.

He tucked the strands of my hair behind my ear and softly stroked my face. I tried not to close my eyes but I failed. He intimately move his lips to my ear and huskily whispered.

"Why do you keep on resisting and restraining yourself when you obviously wanted my touch, babe. The way your body reacts when I'm holding you like this tells me that you want it." I snapped my eyes open and I found him staring at my lips.

"Wow, you're so full of yourself, Mr. Choi. I didn't know you wanted me that much for you to think that." I mock him in whisper and intend to make my voice more tempting.

He clearly wanted me to feel something for him. He wanted me to touch him like the way he touches me. He wanted pleasure.

I could give him what he want. For the sake of my plan, I have to throw away my pride and make him fall for my charm. It ain't easy. It will never be. But I guess, I need to play a little game with him just so he wouldn't notice and get suspicious.

He gave me a peck on my lips which made me gasp. "What are you doing, Mr. Choi? As far as I remember, you clearly wanted to punish me earlier for trying to escape." I softly asked shoving my irritation away because of the kiss.

He just chuckled at my question and licked his lower lip. His eyes are now clouded with lust.

"Believe me babe, I am so eager to give you the punishment you deserve" he uttered. "But, I don't think its the right time to do that."

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now