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SURPRISE!!! (insert Joshua's voice😂)

Warning ⚠⚠ Mature Content ahead!

Expect typos and grammatical errors on this chapter!

(I'm not expert in terms of this one, so please bear with me.)


PS: Try playing the multimedia while reading. It'll help you add the feels💜💖


Author's POV

Yenna knows there is no turning back now. The moment Seungcheol lifted her up with him and lay her down on the bed, she knows everything is going to change.

They shared a deep kiss before Seungcheol took his coat off.  He ruffled his hair and loosened his tie as he hovered above her. He planted soft kisses to her cheeks down to her jaw while his hands went to her back trying to reach the zipper of her dress. His motions were quick and he swooped in for a kiss. 

Yenna gasped lightly as he felt his fingers trailed at her back. Their lips met again and a whiff of arousal hit her. Her hands went to his tie and used it to pull his body even more closer to her. She slowly slid his fingers trying to unbutton his polo. Seungcheol helped her undress himself after noticing that she was having a hard time taking it off. "Easy babe." He uttered in a chuckle.

He sucked her lips and their tongues fought in dominance. Yenna felt the coldness crawled to her skin when Seungcheol pulled down her dress and threw it on the floor leaving her only with her underwear.

Seungcheol pulled away and stood up. His exposed abs made Yenna's core throb in pleasure. The way Seungcheol teasingly took his pants off made her shudder. Her eyes diverted to the bulge that was now visible on his boxers. She felt her stomach churned at the view before her.

She unknowingly pulled half of her body to sit as she welcomed him again for a kiss. It started off slow before it turned into a fiery and passionate one. Seungcheol ran his hands at her back and unclasped her bra. He pushed her to the bed and his eyes trailed down to her bosom. 

"Fuck, they're so beautiful babe." He uttered with a lustful stares as he doved back in for a hungry kiss. Yenna moaned when she felt his hands squeezed one of her breast. 

His kisses trailed to her jaws down to her neck, lightly sucking and biting it, leaving some purple marks. Yenna shivered when she felt Seungcheol lips sliding down to her cleavage.

"So soft." Seungcheol spoke as he buried his face between her breasts inhaling her scent. She felt his warm breathe causing her nipples to get hard. 

"Ahhhh" Yenna whimpered when Seungcheol took a mouthful on one her bossom without a warning while playing with the other. 

After he enjoyed playing with Yenna's breasts, his kisses slides down to her stomach. Seungcheol loved the way Yenna's body responds to him when he glance at her face. Her eyes now closed as her lips are now slowly parted.

"Look at me babe." He ordered. Yenna weakly opened her eyes and met his. "Keep your eyes open. I want you to remember how I worship your body. Until you die." 

Yenna feared at the way Seungcheol said those words to her but all of it disappeared when he suddenly took his panties off. "Keep your eyes on me." He huskily whispered as he slowly gave a lustful kisses to her abdomen. 

Seungcheol spread her legs widely and stared at it for a minute. She felt kind of embarassed and tried to close her legs but Seungcheol stopped her. "Don't" He spoke.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now