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A double update for you since we Ranked #1!

Seungcheol's POV

For a moment, I forgot how to breathe. I wanted to deny that it happened before my eyes. That in a blink, the cars exploded with Yenna in it. She was inside the car.

After I pulled my hand harshly away from Minyu's grip, I hurriedly ran towards it. I forced myself to break the door despite feeling the blazing fire as well as the anguish and anxiousness as I tried to break in. This fire is nothing compared to what I was feeling. I immediately covered my mouth and nose as I cough and waved my other hand when the smoke gushes out in the air. I quickly got a clear view inside through the help of my gang. They also broke all the doors, keeping off the fires.

I went to where I remembered I left Yenna and saw nothing. There was no trace of a dead body and no trace of her.  Though it was a bit of a relief, my mind is still sane for thinking where she might be. If she wasn't in the car, it is possible that before the explosion, someone took her. And realizing from the last call that Jun received, I know Jimin has something to do with it. 

"Hyung, he planned it. I think he tried to send his men to bring all our attention away from Yenna." Jun commented making me clenched my knuckles.

"He's right. That's why they were putting a fight away from where we stopped. So he could take Yenna without a hindrance." Seungkwan added.

"And without you, Scoups. Jimin really planned it well. He even planned to put all our cars on fire to scare us." Jeonghan said as he went to check the other cars.

I felt my body devoid all the emotion thinking Jimin got through his plans again. I can't help feeling outraged by the fact that once again, he got Yenna. She just came from the hospital and she still needs a lot of rest but then, this happened. Because of that fucking Jimin.

"I swear I will never let another day go once I get him. This time, he gave me the full reason to kill him mercilessly." I murmured as I turned my gaze to my gang. I looked at them and heaved a frustrating sigh before I spoke again. "Call our men, We need to leave and head to the HQ. We need to find Yenna as soon as possible"


My whole gang were tailing behind me as we walked through the stairs down to the basement.

Yes the basement.

If you are part of the mafia, the basement is the most feared place of all. Everyone knows it. This place is made up of cells with a smell of blood, sweat and hunger. And of course, with the whimpers and screams of pain and suffering from the people who went against me. It is a place of the people who dares to betray me, and the people who dares to go against my rules. Either in the casino, in the gang or in the Empire. It is all present here.

People under my rule fears my basement.  Its either you could get out of here dead or dead. Well, depending on my mood. If I want you to die, then you die. If I want you suffer, then you suffer. Though there's only one thing that you'll end up to if you come here...


And for now, I decided to put Yenna's parents here in one of our cells. Not because I want them dead. They are excluded from my death list. All I want is for them to learn their lesson. Which I hope that they will since this place is really hell. And perhaps, I am also raving in anger that Yenna's life is in danger again.

"Open it." I ordered the guard as I halted my steps in front of the cell where Yenna's parents stayed.

"Seungcheol! Please let us go! We don't know anything! Jimin used us! He lied to us!" That was the words that I've heard from Mr. Park as soon as I went inside.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now