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Author's POV

"Who's Yenna?"

Seungcheol abruptly raised his head and looked at his mother. He saw her calmed face waiting for his answer.

"She's my wife." He proudly replied at his mom.

"You have a wife?" His mother asked in surprise. He promptly nodded. "Where is she? I wanted to meet her."

Seungcheol sighed as he quietly lowered his head. He wish he could let them meet. The thought of having two of the most important girls in his life meet and get to know each other would be great. But Yenna's not with him anymore. He felt terrible to let her go just like that.

He sighed once again as he has no plans to tell his mother about what he did a while ago so he decided to change the subject.

"You need to rest mom. The sun is slowly rising. You have to get some sleep." His mother gave him a warm smile. If there is one thing that she remembers from Seungcheol, it is the fact when she knows if he is hiding something or not. 

Mrs. Choi pat Seungcheol's shoulder gently. "It's okay son. Things will get better in time." 

Seungcheol hugged his mother tightly. After a few minutes, he went out of her room letting her rest. He went straight to his office and poured a glass of whiskey before sitting to his swivel chair. Getting back to his room without Yenna would kill him so he decided to stay in his office. With a heavy heart, he drank his whiskey in a go and leaned his back. Staring at the ceiling reminiscing the night they shared together, he close his eyes and drown himself with those thoughts. 


Jin was driving through the city heading to Chan's townhouse where his gang and the Got7 were waiting for him. He glanced at the back of his car and looked at Yenna who was still unaware of everything. He attention was seriously focused on the road when his phone suddenly went off. Glancing at the screen, he mentally cursed to see that it was his father.

"What do you want?" He asked in annoyance.

"Feisty are we, son?" Jin rolled his eyes hearing his father's reply. "I see you got the girl."

A loud screech echoed as he suddenly stepped on the break. His heart was beating fast in confusion not knowing how did his father found out.


"Stop asking. I knew you lied to me." His father said. "I trusted you in everything. Thinking we are going to make the Choi's suffer. But how could lie to me! How dare you fail your mother and me?! You promised Seokjin! To me and to your mother!"

Seokjin went out of his car and walked a few steps away to avoid waking Yenna up. He harshly ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I know dad. I know I promised mom that I will avenge her. But for what? Even if I kill everyone, I couldn't bring her back. Nothing will change. She's already dead." A tear escaped from Jin's eyes as he tried to let his father understand his side.

"She died because of them. How many times do I have to remind you that?" His father replied.

"I know. I did not forget every inch of that dad. But, I don't want this anymore. I'm tired of being like this. You always order me to kill like it was so easy. When in fact, its not." 

"Are you telling me that you quit? Is that why you returned Seungcheol's mom to him in exchange for that girl? So your so-called friend will be happy again?" His father asked obviously suppressing his anger. 

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now