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Yenna's POV

My whole life was perfect. There was nothing more I could ask for. But everything that I thought shattered into pieces. The more I want to bring those pieces back, it keeps on giving me wounds and scars.

When Jimin brought me to Mr. Kim, I thought I could use him to get help. I thought I could trust him to help me escape. But I was wrong. So wrong. They made my life a living hell. More than the hell that Jimin gave me.

They put me in a cell and tied me up on a chair. I wore nothing but a plain big shirt from Jimin and my undies. I was so scared. I was the only woman here. Thinking if anything happens, I'm sure I couldn't fight back. I feel so weak and useless. I never imagined my life would be like this. If only I knew, I should've forced myself to stay with him.

'Seungcheol. Please help me. I need you.'

That was the only thing that keeps on running in my mind. I was desperately hoping that the guys would find me. I hope they would knew what happened to me. I hope one day they would come to rescue me. Especially him. Seungcheol. I hope he would come and take me away from here. They are my only hope. I can't stay here any longer.

"Hey young lady." I shut my eyes in disgust as I heard one of the guards. His voice was full of sarcasm and I know he would come to me again and molest me.

Yes. The first night that they put me here, this guy in front of me did something that I couldn't imagine. After tying me up, he tried to touch me. I screamed for help but I only earned a hard slap on my face. He threatened to rape me if I would say anything to Jimin nor to anyone. I choose to shut my mouth afraid that he would exactly do what he said. But that didn't stop him from insulting and touching me when no one is around. I felt so disgusted. I felt so dirty and I was helpless.

The torture? It was okay for me. I can bear to suffer with all the pain and body-aches. I can tolerate it. But the trauma and damage of everything that they did to me was unbearable. It makes me want to kill myself.

"Please don't." I weakly whispered at him. He was now kneeling in front of me as his hands ran to my feet up to my thighs. "I'm begging you please stop."

My toes curled up as I hardly shook away trying to stop him. My tears can't stop falling down my face and all I could think about is to keep him away from me. 

"Shh... Don't you think its time for us to level up this little game?" He mockingly asked with a sinister smile on his face.

I look at him in disgust and glared. "Get off me! I would rather die than being touched by a freak and maniac like you!" 

A loud noise echoed through the cell as he suddenly smacked my face with the back of his hand. It made the chair tumble causing it to fall on the ground with me. I felt my cheek turned numb and I know it will leave a mark on my face. The stinging pain shot through me but I chose to ignore it. I need to set my mind straight before this asshole do something and take advantage of me.

"Come here! That nasty  mouth of yours need to shut up! You have to learn your lesson not to make me angry." He angrily spat at me before pulling me up and untied me.

I took the chance to run for my life but I was too weak. My feet can hardly stood up because of the bruises. Before I could even make it to the door, the man pulled me by my hair and forcefully pushed me to the ground. I screamed and jerked at the pain on my back as my visions started to get blurry. 

I heard him laughing devilishly as he started to get on his knees in front of me. Trying my best to stay awake, I shook his hand away with all my might when he started to put his hands on my thighs.

"Tsk tsk. Don't make this hard for me young lady. I swear its going to be fun. I'll make sure to bring you to heaven." 



"Hyung, I got em'. On your mark." Dino's spoke on his in-ear informing the others.

The rest of the Seventeen members and their men were surrounding Kim Hyun Seo's mansion. They were all waiting for Seungcheol's order to attack.

"Call your father. I wanted to talk to him." Seungcheol told Jin as they are now standing in front  of the mansion's gate. The men who are guarding up were now dead and is bloodily lying on the ground. 

Jin was hesitant but decided to do it. He called his dad and after a few rings, he answered his call. Without a word, Seungcheol quickly snatched his phone. 

"Son! What a surprise to get a call from you." Seungcheol scoffed at hearing Kim Hyun Seo. He couldn't help but to let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Is this you, Seokjin?" A quick change of tone is visible at Kim Hyun Seo's voice.

"Wow. I can't believe you got me there."  Seungcheol mocked.

"Choi Seungcheol. Why do you have Seokjin's phone with you? What did you do with him?"

"Nothing. I mean, not yet." Seungcheol broke those words as he intensely stared at Jin in front of him. 

"You! I will kill you if you do something to him! I will hunt you down!" Seungcheol smirked at Kim Hyun Seo's outburst. He

"Geez. That sounds scary. I guess I should start hiding."

"Huh! Do you think you could fool and outsmart me with your words?" Kim Hyun Seo stated bluntly.

"I'm sure with my words. And I am smarter than you. That's a fact. And yes before I forgot, let me the honors to hunt you down first." 

With that word, Seungcheol gave his gang a go signal. They fired Kim Hyun Seo's mansion with their guns. As some of their men forged inside by climbing to the walls, Seungcheol and the rest of the Seventeen with Jin managed to get in. 

As they walked past the big fountain, someone tried to shoot them. Seungcheol quickly pulled Jin and they crouched down together. 

"You promised me that you'll help me bring your father down if I gave Yenna back to you. I did what you wanted Seokjin. I gave Yenna back to you but instead you let your father take her. Now, let me tell you this. If he did something to Yenna, I'm going to kill the both of you."



It's a short update but I'll try to make it up to you on the next chapter. 

Thank you and keep safe everyone!


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