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Yo! Guess what? I'm in the mood to update❤❤ Lol.

I hope you like it guys (even if its just another lame update)


Yenna's POV

I raised my hand unintentionally as I felt the sunlight streamed through my face. When I turned to the other side of the bed, Seungcheol wasn't there. I sighed as I ran my fingers through the sheets.

My face reddened as I remembered what happened between us last night. I was so embarassed for what I did. We almost did 'it' and I almost gave in to him. Maybe he chose not sleep with me to avoid something that he might cannot control.

Unlike me. I don't know what's going on with me these days. I was planning to lure him, but I felt like lust is starting to take over me.

The more I see him, the more my body aches for him. In a dangerous way. The longer I stay with him, the harder it is to restrain myself from giving in. I don't even know if I can trust myself anymore.

Now that my mind is clearer, I was thankful that he stopped. Nobody knows what would've happened if he didn't. I am glad that he was able to control himself before its too late.

I deeply exhaled as I decided to get up to erase my thoughts. Though I'm still thinking about how I should face him, I'm going to try and act like nothing happened. Even if 'what happened' is really something that I can't easily forget.

As I walked my way to the bathroom, a small paper bag caught my eyes in the corner. When I opened it, I noticed a small paper inside. I heaved a sigh as I read what was written on it.

Wear this babe.

- Seungcheol❤

Okay? He drew a heart beside his name but he only wrote 'Wear this babe.' How sweet. I mean, I'm not complaining but, nevermind.

He's Choi Seungcheol and his actions are always unexpected.

Without a word, I decided to bring the paper bag inside the bathroom and took a bath. I wore the clothes that Seungcheol gave me and felt satisfied that he chose a jeans and a shirt.

After checking myself in the mirror, I went out of the room to check if he's downstairs.

Shock was written on my face when I saw someone sitting comfortably on the couch. I was wishing not see him for the mean time. But here he is. I still felt so awkward about what happened to us yesterday.

"Good morning Yenna." He greeted me with a smile on his face. I wonder why he acts like he's not angry at me.

My brows furrowed and I knew he saw how confused I am about his actions, because I just heard him laugh at my state.

"Don't think too much about it Yenna. Holding a grudge and getting angry won't make you happy. Come on, let's eat some breakfast."

He stood up and was about to walk away when I called him. "Mingyu." He quickly stop and turned to face me. "Uhm... I- I'm sorry. You know about yesterday."

I lowered my head as I said those words to him. I don't know why but I just felt like I need to say sorry to him.
"It's okay. It was my fault anyway. You don't have to say sorry. Just like I told you earlier, getting angry won't make you happy. It wouldn't make us rich too. So lets just forget about it and live in peace." He gladly said showing no signs of anger and frustration which somehow made me quite happy.

I giggled at his words and walked up to him. I extended my hands as my way to make us both feel the assurance that we're now okay. 
"Okay, Mr. Kim. Let's be friends, again"

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now