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Author's POV

It is midnight already and Yenna is still awake.The room is quiet. So as the whole place. Perhaps she was not planning to sleep. It was not good for her yet, she was doing it.

As the clock strikes fusing into the silence, a warm hands suddenly wrapped on her waist.

His smell.

Oh how could she resist that smell.

"Why are you still awake?"

The huskiness of his voice filled through her being as he asked those words in whisper.

"I can't sleep." She lied.

He hummed in response as he started to burry his head on the crook of her neck. She leaned back giving him more access and ran her hands through his hair.

"Stop overthinking." She heard him said.

"I am not." She replied.

"Then go to sleep." He softly uttered.

Yenna sighed. "I want to go home." She replied, as she pulled her body away.

"You're home."

A huge frown formed on her face. She was confused when his voice suddenly changed.

In just a blink, it sounded like the voice of someone she hated.

'No. Its Seungcheol. It can't be---'

That was she thought before she turned her body to face him.

"Jimin?" She unbelievably whispered in pure shock. "What-- why?"

"You're already home, my love. You're finally home."


"No!" Yenna screamed gasping for air the moment she woke up.

It was a dream, yet it seems so real.

'Jimin' She thought.

"Damn it." She muttered in frustration after looking at the things around her.

"No. It can't be. This is not real." She whispered forcing to convince herself that she was just dreaming.

Not again. She wished it was just another nightmare. But hell, it wasn't.

She cursed under her breathe when she realized and remembered what happened.

"No! Jimin! Stop! Leave me alone!" She was screaming as she tried to pull him away from her.

Jimin managed to open the car door again. He successfully made it inside and tried to pull her out for the second time.

"Love, listen to me. You need to get of here. I will bring you home. I promise. We have to go." Jimin told her as he keeps on forcing her to get out.

"No! I will not go with you. Never! Just leave me alone."

"Fine!" She heard him exclaimed. "You're making this the hard way? Then, I'm going to make it easy for both us." He suddenly said as he pulled something out from his pocket.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now