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Seungcheol's  POV

I was reading some files here in my office when someone knocked at the door. I raised my head and went back reading again when I saw Wonwoo came in with Vernon and Joshua.

"Hyung, Woozi told us that they'll head to the warehouse first before they'll go check Jimin." Wonwoo started to speak as they all went to seat on the couch in front of me.

"Did Mingyu and Jun accompany him?" I asked.

"Yes, they did. Actually Hoshi went with them too." He replied.

I nod in response. "How about the blacklist? Any news about those bastards who dare not return my money?"

Joshua scoffed. "Jeonghan was working on it at the casino. Last night Mr. Ji tried to sneak out planning to book a flight to Germany. Good thing we stopped him. He's now at the headquarters by the way, spending his time on our cell."

"You almost forgot Martin Go and Lennon Scott, hyung. They went MIA for two weeks after we told them about their debt. We didn't inform you about it cause we immediately found them hiding at Daegu. As usual, they tried to run away but we caught them." Vernon added.  

"Seems like those assholes have taken my absence for granted." I uttered in anger. 

"Looks like it. Some people in our black list even made us fool. They wouldn't keep up their promises returning the money because you are not there. They said they'll only believe us if they see you." Joshua stated.

"Maybe its time to pay them a visit then.  Let's make them taste their own medicine."

I've been too fond spending my time with Yenna in Hongdae that I did not took a proper attention at what's happening on my business. Although I trust my members in running the company without me, they still need my lead in dealing such treacherous people, like those in our black list. 

"And the BTS? Did your brother told you anything about Jimin's parents?" I asked Joshua changing the topic.

He shrugged is shoulders at my question. "Taehyung told me that Jimin's parents went missing after what happened to Jeju. They tried to find them and one of their sources said that they flew to Australia. I think that was the only information they got."

"Jimin's family owned a construction company in Brisbane, plus his extended family are mostly living there. There's no doubt why they went there after what happened." Wonwoo commented.

"Still, we need to keep an eye on them. Its making me wary that they've been so silent about what happened to their son. Its hard to believe that they are not caring at all." I said leaning on my swivel chair.

Joshua darted his attention back at me with a frowning face."By the way Scoups, Taehyung said that they wanted to talk to you, their gang actually wanted to talk to us. Of course, together with Got7. He said they wanted to meet us at the company. As soon as possible."

"Why? Is it that important that they all wanted to have this unusual meeting?" I looked at him with my brows furrowing in confusion.

Jin and I didn't talk for a long time now. After what happened at Jeju, he just called to inform me that he did kill his father. He said it was unintentional because his father provoked him by telling that how much of a failure he was. After trying to control himself, he shot him dead.

Now that his whole gang and the Got7 wanted this kind of meeting, I can't help but think that there's something going on again.

"Wow, I bet we won't fit at the conference room." Vernon suddenly mumbled.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now