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A big congratulations for our Sebongs on their 4th win!!!! Wooohooo!!!

Caratdeul: Don't forget to stream "LEFT AND RIGHT"


Jin's POV

I am sitting in the corner of my room with a glass of vodka in my hand when my phone suddenly rang. A loud sigh escaped my lips when I found out who was calling. I picked up my phone after drinking my vodka in one gulp.

"Hello?" I answered him as I amazingly felt the burning of my throat.

"Why didn't you tell me about the girl Seokjin?!" He angrily shouted making me pull my phone away from my ears. Why am I not even surprised? Of course he would know about Yenna.

"She's not part of the plan. Seungcheol just kidnapped and forced her to be with him. She's Jimin's girlfriend." I told him as I poured another glass of vodka.

He got his eyes on Yenna now. For the past years he killed the girls who gets close to Seungcheol and make people believe that Seungcheol killed them. To taint his name from the people like us.

"I don't care. Seungcheol's keeping her unlike the others. She seems so special for him. I think its an advantage to use her against him. If we get her, we can kill that bastard easily, just like his father." I shut my eyes tightly when I heard him. It's easy for him to say because he wasn't the one who did it.

"You can't drag her to be our bait. Jimin's going to kill me if---"

"I already ordered my men about this matter Seokjin so you have nothing to worry about. Convince your so-called friends to go to Seoul as soon as possible. Make Seungcheol divert his attention to you." He said in full authority not letting me finish my words.

I ran my hands through my hair as I stood up on the chair frantically. "Isn't it enough that we killed his father? You already got your revenge when I killed him. Why can't we just move on? Let's stop this, dad."

His heavy breaths can be heard through the phone. An obvious sign that he's suppressing his anger. "No! I already told you. For a hundred times, Seokjin. I will kill every members of the Choi family. Don't ever forget the things that his family did to us and to your mother. Do your part just like what you promised."

He didn't gave me chance to talk back as he abruptly hung up the phone. I am reluctant to risk my team's lives just to follow his order. But I also don't want to disappoint him.

BTS and Got7 are important to me. I cherish them more than anything. They treated me like a family which I am grateful enough since I didn't have a chance to have one after my mom died. As much as possible I don't want to hurt any of them. But because of my dad, I am doing and did some things they knew nothing about.

I killed Seungcheol's father by pretending to be a doctor. I killed Joshua's mom. I killed Mingyu's sister. I poisoned Dino's grandfather. I did all those things for my father. To give justice to my mother. And, to provoke Seungcheol. He believed that my team were the one's who killed his gang's family, but the truth is, I was the only one who did it. For my dad and my mom.

Seungcheol have no idea about my father's hatred to his parents. He's surprisingly cunning, observant and intelligent about his surroundings. The reason why he is still alive. He's ruthless more than his father. I hate to admit but his gang is the most feared gang across the country.

I climb to my bed with so many thoughts and laid down. I was about to close my eyes when my phone beeps. My knuckles clenched as I read the message.

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