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Yenna's POV

Mingyu and Wonwoo left after they dropped me off the mansion. They told me to meet the others inside as they have to leave right away for something important.

The house was so loud when I came in and I realized that the noise came from the kitchen. I wasn't even surprise witnessing the scene before me when I decided to check what was happening.

"Ya! I won! Why are making me cook?!" Seungkwan's veins were now visible from his neck while he was screaming his heart out to Jeonghan.

I saw Hoshi's annoyed face while he was standing beside Seungkwan with a box of cheerios in his hand. Seokmin was also there quietly looking back and forth to them at the corner while Jeonghan was casually sitting on the counter with a victorious smile on his face.

"The winner is going to cook Seungkwan. That's the deal" Jeonghan just calmly answered him.

"Stop lying! You told us that the loser will cook! Not the other way around!" Hoshi's voice echoed through the entire house defending Seungkwan.

"Hoshi hyung is right! And you have the guts to order us to make something tasty? Huh! Never!" Seungkwan whined while throwing a fist of cereals to Jeonghan's direction. "Why can't you just eat this cereals instead?!"

Right. Mingyu's not here. Joshua is probably not here too.

I bet they played something for this one. And obviously, Jeonghan was being clever AGAIN.

"I don't like cereals! So stop throwing it to my face!" Jeonghan exclaimed throwing back a fistful of cereals to Hoshi and Seungkwan.

"Ya! Stop fighting! I'm going to cook!" I saw how Seokmin proudly stood up which made them paused.

He was about to reach at the stove when they all stopped him in unison. "No!"

"It's okay Seokmin. You can sit down. We'll sort this out." Jeonghan said as he pushed Seokmin back to his seat.

"But, aren't you all hungry? I already volunteered to cook so all of us can eat now. Why are you stopping me?" Seokmin confusedly complained.

"Scoups hyung will kill us if we let you burn the house down." Hoshi's words made me chuckled which caused them to look at my direction.

Without a word, Seungkwan suddenly ran up to me and pulled me to his embrace.

"Noona! Thank goodness you're here!" He screamed while he tightly hugged me.

Funny to think I was just gone for one night.

He pulled me away from him with a smile and dragged me in front of Jeonghan.

"Noona! Can you scold Jeonghan hyung for us? He tricked us to play some games with him and cheated!" Seungkwan complained with a pout.

Before I could even talk, Jeonghan walked towards me and pulled me away from Seungkwan before dragging me in front of the stove.

"Damsel Yenna, do you mind if I ask you to cook some breakfast for us? We were all fighting for an hour now and as you can see, we are now on a verge of world war 3"

I glance at him frowning and he just gave me a sly smirk.

This face of his could really make you believe that he is an angel. It make me pity those girls that easily falls for his charm.

"Say the magic word first." I firmly told him as I crossed my hand to my chest.

"Abracadabraaa~~" Hoshi interrupted with a sing song voice.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now