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Author's POV

Seokmin was surprised to see Yenna peacefully sleeping while crouching on the single couch . He stood up from the floor worriedly thinking that she seems uncomfortable in her position.

"Hyung, should we wake her up?" He asked Jun beside him who's also looking at Yenna's state. The movie they watched already ended and they are now about to head to their rooms to sleep.

"I told her to sleep in their room earlier but she didn't listen. Scoups wouldn't come home today. So, we have no choice but to let her sleep here." Jeonghan answered him as he casually carry and lift Yenna towards the long couch.

Jeonghan settled her down and ordered the others to give him some blanket.

"How I wish I could celebrate my birthday with her." Dino suddenly uttered looking at Yenna. "If Scoups hyung's plan wouldn't work, we might never see her again."

The others felt wary hearing Dino's words. Yes, its been a long time since Yenna lived with them. Although sometimes, she was much of a hardheaded and annoying girl, they became fond of her. She usually spends a lot of time with the boys that's why they grew closer to each other.

They knew Seungcheol wouldn't let her go without a plan. He was being firm about keeping her forever. From what they have observed, Yenna isn't just a possession for him, they all knew it is now more than that.

"Lets just trust Scoups about it. Besides, he was also granting her wish." Jeonghan told Dino while he pats his shoulder. The youngest just sighed and weakly walked up to his room.

The next morning, Yenna woke up and groaned as she felt a light pain on her back. When she reached her hand to the other side, it completely fell to nothing. She opened her eyes and realized that she's still in the living room. A frown formed on her face when she remembered that she waited for Seungcheol to come home last night and fell asleep on the couch.

"He didn't came back?" she asked herself in whisper as she pulled herself to sat down. She looked at the blanket over her and wonder.

After realizing that its still early and the boys are still asleep, she went up to Seungcheol's room to check if he's just there. When she opened it, the room was quite. She went inside and checked the wardrobe as well as the bathroom. Her shoulder fell when she realized that he really didn't came home last night.

"Why am I even affected? I should be happy that he's not here." she laughed at herself after thinking what she just did.

She slowly walked towards the bed and crawled on it. Grabbing one of his pillows she unknowingly inhaled Seungcheol's scent. "Damn it. I hate that I missed you Choi Seungcheol."


Two days had passed and Seungcheol is still not home. He decided to stay at his office thinking about Yenna and his mother. He chose not to go home afraid that seeing Yenna would just changed his mind.

God knows how he wanted to ran to her, kiss her and hug her for the last two days. Even if not being able to see her is now killing him. But he knows he need be away from her so he could think properly.

"God, I miss her so much." Seungcheol muttered as he leaned his back to his swivel chair and turned it around to look at the view behind him.

A sound coming from his phone brought him back from his thoughts. He bleated on his seat as he looked at the caller.

"What now Kim Seokjin?" He answered with irritation visible from his voice.

Seokjin got his number through his own father. Seokjin told him that his father was sending some spies inside his company to keep an eye to him. The moment he found out about this, he let his members took care about it and they successfully caught five of his father's men. Seungcheol didn't even hesitate to kill each one of them after giving him some information about Kim Hyun Seo.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now