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I  wore a dark green formal spaghetti strap dress topped with a long blazer that matches the length of my inner dress. Then, I paired it with a light pink stilettos. I didn't mind to put a heavy make-up and just decided to let my wavy hair down. I grabbed my bag and put the business card inside. I looked at myself again in the mirror. 

"I guess I looked presentable enough. I just hope they would let me talk to the CEO without an appointment." I said to myself, crossed my fingers and inhaled before walking out of my room.

I did not saw my parents on my out. The feeling of having this kind of problem is eating me alive. If I won't get a chance to talk to Mr. Choi after three days, my dad will die. 

A tear almost formed in my eyes in that thought. I decided to get in my car and erase the negativity that I felt. I started the engine and drove all the way to the Coups Empire.


After parking my car, I hurriedly went inside the building. I tucked my blazer properly and walked my way to the reception area.

"Hi miss, good morning!" a smile formed on my lips as I greeted the receptionist.

She looked at me from head to toe while raising her one eyebrow. Well, she's rude. I might say she's not even pretty to look at me that way. " What can I do for you, miss?" she asked.

I am 100% percent irritated by her attitude but I decided to ignore it. 

"I'm here to talk to the CEO. Can you tell me what floor is his office? I just need to see him personally." I said. She narrowed her eyes at me as she heard my answer.

"Do you have any appointment?" asking me with a stern look. A visible annoyance was shown on her face. What the hell is her problem?

I gulped. Now this is what I feared. They wont let me in and won't let me talk to him without any appointment. 

"No I don't have but---"

"Well sorry not sorry but you can't meet the CEO without setting an appointment." she cut me before I could even finish talking. 

'Yeah? well fuck that fucking appointment of yours! I have to see him and talk to him! Or I might slap your clown face with my stilettos if you wouldn't let me!' I want to say it to her face but I pushed myself not to. I kinda' felt disappointed.  I can't walk out here without trying everything I could. Its still early and I still have plenty of time to try today. I decide to sit for a minute.

I was walking to the waiting area when I realize something. The business card that dad had given me a while ago. I was busy searching for it inside my bag. I didn't notice the person in front of me until I bumped into him.

I closed my eyes getting ready to fall but nothing happened. Instead, I felt a pair of strong arms on my waist. I looked up to his face and then to his arm and back to his face again. I shoved his arm and moved a little bit away from him realizing the closeness of our body. I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"I'm so sorry. I was busy looking for something inside my bag and I did not see you." I put my head down as I apologize to him.

He chuckled. "Its okay. I also wasn't looking anyway. So, its my fault too." 

I pulled my head up and look at him. Oh my! 'He's handsome'  I mentally thought. He's smiling at me showing his perfect teeth with those little fangs. I admit he can make every girl swoon with his physique. 'But Jimin is way more attractive for me'. He's handsome, yes, but he's not my Jimin.

"You know, staring is rude." I heard him laugh while eyeing me. I mentally cursed myself.

After a second, he suddenly walked towards me and picked something on the floor. I realized that it was the business card. I was about to get it from him but he quickly pulled his hand away. 

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now