cover up // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

as i was putting whipping cream on my pancakes, i got a call from kai. i was a but confused, since him and i got out of the prison world two weeks ago and he hasn't done so much as look at me ever since.

in all honesty, i really miss him. sure, he's annoying and all, but i miss his company. we're grown fond of one another during our six months we spent living together, and it's all so different now, without him.

"hello?" i said, putting the phone between my shoulder and ear. i put blueberries on my pancake to make a smiley face, and two to make eyes. i popped one into my mouth as i listened to kai talk.

"so, i need a huge favor, but i promise to repay you," he said, and i almost groaned. i did roll my eyes. of course, the one time he calls me, it's because he needs something.

"what is it?" i asked, grabbing another blueberry and putting it into my mouth.

"i need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a little while-" as soon as those words came out of his mouth, i spat the blueberry out.

"you WHAT?!"

"you didn't let me finish!" he argued. "you can.. you know.. pretend. look, i know it sounds bad, but they're not gonna let me stay unless there's a good reason to. and they like you. me, not so much. maybe if we pretend to date, they'll see that i'm not gonna kill anyone unless i have to, and i can stay!"

i stayed quiet for a long while, not even touching my pancakes whih are probably cold by now. i listened to kai's steady breathing over the phone.

"they're gonna hate me," i whispered.

"is that a yes?" he said cheerfully.


"YES!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" i hung up, rubbing my face with my hands. what did i just get myself into?

two weeks later

like i expected, the gang is pretty pissed at me for "being" with someone like kai. but aside from that, they're happy for me. and like kai expected, they're letting him stay.

we were at the salvatore mansion for a game night. kai's arm was lazily around my shoulder and i leaned into him a bit, just enough to smell the cologne that he sprayed all over him this morning.

and, as much as i hate to admit it, i've been having fun. with kai. pretending to date him and all has been great, because, he's such a good actor, that i let myself believe that this is real. even for a few seconds.

and then reality hits, and i realize that i'm the only one that actually has feelings. after the game, kai offered to take me home.

he kept his hand on my back as he lead me out. i tensed a bit, but then relaxed.

when we got into the car, kai drove for a few minutes before turning down the radio to speak. "i know you're probably miserable," actually, the opposite of that, i wanted to say, but i simply couldn't. "but this doesn't have to go on for much longer. i have an idea."

"that's horrible," i joked, and he looked at me from the corner of his eye as i laughed. "what's your idea?"

"i think i should probably tell you that i like bonnie, first."

if i didn't like him, my inital reaction would be shocked. i'd literally yell out loud. but i do like him, and this felt like a stab in the heart.

"y/n?" i realized that i must have been quiet for too long, and he was already turning onto my street when i noticed.

"right, sorry.." i mumbled, opening the car door before it fully came to a stop. i need to get out of here. i know how silly this is, how i have no right to be upset.

we established in the first place that none of this is real. but it. felt so real, and amazing. and it sucks that he just used me to stay, and now he likes one of my best friends. "are you alright?" he asked, grabbing my hand.

i quickly pulled my hand away, then cringded at how rude that must've seemed to him. "sorry.. i have to.." i cleared my throat. "i'll call you later, okay?"

before he could say anything else, i ran inside my house, locking the door behind me.

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