linked //kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i've always been in love with kai, ever since i met him. instead of growing a pair and telling him, i kept my feelings bottled up, for the fear of losing him, one of my best friend's.

kai and i were taking a walk in the park, deep in conversation. i always found myself losing track of time whenever i'm with kai.

"what do you think you'd be doing if you weren't a vampire?" kai asked, his nose slightly pink from the cold. he is absolutely stunning. these were the things i'd remember about kai; his rosy pink cheeks, his ocean blue eyes that sparkled beneath the moonlight. perfection.

"i'd be a doctor." i said, plain and simple.

"can't you be a doctor now?" he asked, turning to me. our hands swung as we walked across the park.

"sure, yeah," i said with a shrug. "but when one of my patients come back 10 years later and see me looking exactly the same... then what?"

"it's worth a shot, though, right? better to take risks than lose opportunities." kai said.

i chuckled. "i'm a vampire. i have all the time in the world to take risks. just not right now, you know?" he nodded understandingly.

"i can't wait to watch you become dr. y/l/n." he smiled, and so did i because the thought of being a future doctor was cool and all, but also because his smile was so contagious.

i was in front of him, leading us to my favourite spot in the park. he was only slightly behind, us still holding hands of course. i heard him scream and i instantly turned my head around.

"y/- y/n.." he choked out, blood coming out of his mouth.

"guess you won't live to see y/n become dr. y/l/n, will you?" a voice said from behind. damon. my best friend. i knew he didn't particularly like kai, but i never though it'd reach this point.

"damon!" i cried, rushing toward kai, trying to fight off damon. suddenly, i felt a stab in my stomach, in the same area where kai was bleeding.

my face went pale as i instantly remembered, and kai looked at me, shocked but aware.

a while ago, he linked us together. "if we go down then we go down together," pact that we had.

damon looked confused as i clutched my stomach in pain. "what the hell happened?" he yelled, rushing to me, completely forgetting about kai.

kai was still too weak to do any spells on damon, instead he just fell to the ground, trying to heal.

"you can't kill me.." kai mumbled and damon brought his attention back to kai.

"i can. and i will."

i was still clutching my stomach, the wound healed rather slowly and painfully and i struggled to get words out.

"no, you can't." kai mumbled. "y/n and i are linked. whatever happens to me, happens to her. she'll die, damon."

a look of pure disgust was evident on damon's face. "god, always ruining things aren't you?" he said, rushing out of there as quickly as possible. he obviously knew that once kai regained his strength, he'd go after damon and everyone he loves (except me, of couse).

the wound was nearly gone by the time kai was better, and he helped me up. "i'm so sorry." he said, over and over again.

"it's not your fault, kai. it's okay." i reassured him.

"no, no. he wouldn't have come after you if-"

i rolled my eyes, instantly pulling him in for a long, passionate kiss. he pulled away speechless and breathless. "what was that for?" he asked.

"a risk. an opportunity." i smiled.

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