rachel // kai parker (pt. 2)

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your p.o.v.

i gave kai the death stare after he told rachel that i was just his, "best friend," but he used his magic to prevent me from saying anything else.

"i really thought i lost you.." rachel said sadly. "i spent years looking for you. everyone said you ran away, but i didn't believe them. i finally got it out of jo to tell me what happened to you. god, i couldn't even believe that you were still alive."

kai smiled. "missed me that much?" he joked and i rolled my eyes. all i wanted to do was scream, let out any sound, but i couldn't. i was pissed at kai, so i left the booth and went back home to the salvatore house.

elena and damon were home, having sexy time in their room. i tried not to listen but it got closer and closer as i approached their door. i banged on the door loud enough that you could probably hear it from outside.

"open up! kai's an ass and i need a drinking buddy. two drinking buddies." i yelled.

i heard them groan on the other side. "coming!" elena said. i heard damon try and get her to stay in bed for a little longer, but elena insisted that they'd talk to me about my boy problems since i've always been there for her.

i was already on my second glass of bourbon when they made it downstairs, smelly like sweat and sex.

"hey, where'd you get that?" damon asked and i shrugged.

"the wine cellar, that's where the good stuff is, right?" i asked, and he shook his head.

"nope," damon opened up a cabinet, revealing 5 bottles of a brand of bourbon i've never heard of. "this is where i keep the good stuff. for emergencies only. you look rough."

he poured himself, elena and i a glass and i downed it within seconds, the taste instantly burning my throat.

"shit." i said, my head already spinning. damon laughed, "so what's wrong?" elena asked.

"well, kai's got a blast from the past." i said. "she called him malachai!" damon scoffed.

"that's your 'boy problem?'" he asked, rolling his eyes at me. "if that's all, elena and i will get back to what we were doing."

"wait, damon." elena said, pulling him down to sit back on the couch. "continue, y/n." she said, like a therapist.

"his ex, aka the first love of his life is apparently alive and a vampire." i said with a sarcastic smile. "and he told her that i was just his 'best friend,' can you believe that?!"

i always got angry, loud and 10x crazier than i normally was whenever i drank. elena raised her eyesbrows in shock and damon whistled.

"he's a jerk." i said, the glass shattering in my hands.

"hey! this bourbon isn't cheap!" damon scolded, and i ran around the house like a mad man, letting all of my anger out.

damon tried to stop me but elena told him to let me be, i need this.

when i finally calmed down, most of their kitchen plates were broken. i was panting and out of breath, "sorry.." i mumbled.

"all good?" elena asked, and i nodded.

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