come back to me // kai parker (pt. 2)

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your p.o.v.

i still continued to listen to the conversation, though my sobs were loud enough to fill the whole room. "i didn't know she and kai were like thing. why didn't she tell me?" i heard elena say, and bonnie sighed.

"they're not.. she just likes him or something." bonnie replied.

the whole house fell silent and i tried to think of something, anything, to take my mind off kai. i heard a knock on the door, and i ignored it. "y/n?" bonnie said from the other side, and i groaned. just great, the last person i want to see right now.

"can i come in?" she asked. "no." i replied. she sighed. "well, i unfortunately don't take no for an answer," and she barged in, anyway.

i turned my body away from the door, not wanting her, or anyone to see me like this. vulnerable and weak. "y/n, you can't imagine how sorry i am, but it's for the best." that was the last straw for me. i used my vampire speed to rush over to her, only to feel stab on my neck. i looked up at bonnie to see her holding a syringe.

i held my neck as i fell to the ground, passing out.

bonnie's p.o.v.

"that should hold her down for at least a few hours," i said, turning to damon and elena. they nodded, grabbing her and taking her downstairs. y/n was no prisoner, so of course they did not lock her in the cellar, but they did securely tie her to a chair.

for good measure, they tied her wrists and her ankles, too.

"you sure you can handle this spell?" elena asked, turning to me. i laughed. "this is nothing, elena. just a simple wipe of her memories, then, boom." i replied and she smiled.

we waited a couple of hours for y/n to wake up. like any other person, she began panicking, struggling to get out of the ties. "what are you doing to me?" she demanded, looking at every one of us. i took a deep breath in and made my way over to her, though she was tied up, her screams and her attempts to get out still scared me.

"let me go!" she screamed, and i gave her a sad look, already feeling guilty for what i was about to do. i placed my shaky hands on her head and began chanting. elena and damon left the room, i assume the couldn't handle the sound of her screaming. i don't blame them.

"please stop!" she cried out, but i continued. my nose began bleeding, but i couldn't stop now. soon, y/n began screaming, right when i was reaching the end of the spell.

i finished, almost passing out from weakness. damon and elena walked back in, and y/n sat there, confused and rubbing her head.

"who is kai parker?" damon asked y/n.

"who?" she asked.

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