love // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

day 6,570 of being trapped with kai in the prison world. turns out, a couple months ago, two people got put here with us, so from time to time, kai watches them (creepy, i know).

if my calculations are correct, this is around/about our 18th year of being trapped here. kai made me some pasta and we drunk some bourbon. "here's to 18 years of being in hell." i said, raising my glass.

"thanks to me." he smirked and we clinked glasses.

"so, how's the witch doing?" i asked, twirling my fork around in the pasta that he's made at least a couple hundred times in our 18 (?) years of being here.

"me or bonnie?" he asked, and i gave him a look.

"i wouldn't exactly consider you a witch," i joked and he glared at me. "but if that makes you happy, then sure. i mean bonnie, kai. how's bonnie?"

he took a sip, swallowed, then said, "still useless."

i sighed. "we're never getting out of here."

kai placed his hand on top of mine. "we will. i have a plan." he reassured me. if he weren't a sociopath with no emotions, i'd say he might have actually cared for me.

"and that is?"

"a master never shares his secrets." i scoffed. master?

i tried to change the subject. "anyway, what do you plan on doing when we get back to the human world, besides what i already know?"

he shrugged. "you know my plan. what's yours?"

"a family, maybe. kids would be nice. go to school, get a degree-"

"if you wanted a family you could've just asked me, baby." he said with a grin and i rolled my eyes.

"sure, because a sociopath would want a family." i replied.

"would it be so shocking if i told you that i am capable of love?" he asked, putting his glass down and leaning over the table a little to stare at me.

"yes, yes it would." i furrowed my eyebrows.

"you know, back when we were in the human world, a couple years before i met you, i actually was in love."

i raised my eyebrows, taking a sip of my drink.
"were you now?" i jokingly said, but the look on his face told me he was dead serious.

"her name was sarah. she had beautiful, black hair. her smile was beautiful; i truly did love her."

"huh." was all i could say. i know its not just me who always thought that he could never be in love.

"of course, i killed her." he said with a smile and i rolled my eyes again.

"that's your epic romance story?" i asked.

"so far." he said, giving me a look. i arched one of my eyebrows.

"my second love, her name is y/n. as of right now, she is alive. i think about killed her quite often, but i haven't. yet."

i wasn't at all phased by him telling me he literally thinks about murdering me. that's a normal kai thing. love? i scooted away from the table.

"did i hear that right?" i asked. he only gave me a small smile and nodded.

"are you sure you love me?" i asked. "you may be incapable of human emotions, but amoung other things, you are a man with needs.." i said, referring to his best buddy that sat between his legs.

he sighed, now giving me an eyeroll. "god damn it, i love you, y/n!" he said, and suddenly i was taken aback. "and i've been waiting 18 years to say that."

"you waited too lomg," i said with a grin. "i love you too, malachai parker."

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