mom // enzo st. john

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i love enzo 😁

your p.o.v.

"mom?" i said, standing at my moms front porch. "hey, honey i'm making dinner!" she said, walking away after she opened the door.

i waited outside awkwardly, this wasn't exactly how i planned telling her. "what are you waiting for? come in!" she said, and i let out a sigh of relief.

i carefully stuck my foot in through the door, then walked right in. "smells good." i said, sniffing the amazing food that she was making. i wish i craved it as much as i craved blood.

"it'll be ready in 15." she said, turning to the sink to begin washing the dishes. "wait!" i said, grabbing her wrist before she could leave. "can we talk?" i asked, and she gave me a look.

"of course." she said, sitting down at the table that we have eaten so many meals at.

i stared at her before speaking, not knowing how to bring up the topic. "i-" i said, then cut myself off.

she raised her eyebrows, waiting for me to talk. "what's wrong?"

"i'm.. i'm a vampire." i finally said and she instantly shot up, backing away from me. "what?!" she yelled.

"i'm not gonna hurt you! i can control it, i swear!" i tried to reassure her, but she continued to back away. she ran into the stove and i stayed in my seat, not wanting to startle her.

"get out of my house!" she yelled and my eyes widened.

"mom, i'm your daughter! i'd never hurt you, please listen to me!" i got up, trying to get closer. "it's me, it's y/n."

she reached behind her back, grabbed the biggest kitchen knife and stabbed me with it, making me fall to my knees, screaming in pain.

"my daughter is not a monster." she said, running away.

i yelled as i pulled the knife out of my stomach, watching as the wound slowly healed itself. "mom!" i tried to yell, but i couldn't hear her footprints anywhere.

i left my childhood home in tears, walking down the dark neighbourhood where i grew up.

i went to my once favourite place in the whole wide world, the park. i spent most of my days here as a little kid. i debated sitting on the bench or the swing, but soon i decided on the swing.

nobody was around, or so i thought. "it's dangerous to be here all alone, love." a said beside me, and i looked over to see enzo on the swing next to mine.

my least favourite swing, as a kid, i'd rather stand then sit in that one. it made horrible squeaking noises that hurt my ears. enzo only lightly swung himself, so the sound wasn't exactly half bad.

"what are you doing here?" i turned away, wiping my tears. i hoped he didn't already see me crying.

"what's wrong?" suddenly, he was alert, and i shook my head, accidently letting more tears fall from my face.

i sniffled and he gently grabbed his hand and turned my face toward his. "are you alright?" he asked, and i looked down, shaking my head.

"talk to me, please." he begged, interlocking my fingers with his.

"my mom hates me." i sobbed, wiping my face with my free hand. he took his and wiped them for me.

only now did i decide to finally look him in the eyes, his beautiful brown eyes. "how could anyone ever hate you?" he asked.

i scoffed, recalling the conversation. "she thinks i'm a monster because i.." my voice trailed off. after my interaction with my mom, i didn't want to have to admit i was a vampire ever again.

"you're a vampire?" he asked. i nodded, looking away. "it's nothing to be ashamed of, love. you're strong, brave. you're brilliant and beautiful, y/n." he moved some hair out of my face.

"she's my mother i-"

"she'll come around. she can't hate you forever." he said.

"she doesn't have forever," i said. "she's not one of us."

"she will come around. you could never be the monster that we are."

i stayed quiet after that, and so did he. "thank you, lorenzo." i whispered, and if he wasn't a vampire with vamp hearing, he wouldn't have heard that.

"anytime, love." he said.

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