promises // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

kai was the chef of the house, certainly not me. he once asked me to simply watch over the food whilst he used the bathroom, but i somehow accidentally burned the whole meal and he had to start over.

today is a special day, though. today is thanksgiving, his favourite day of the year. i decided to at least try and help cook something, edible or not, it's the thought that counts. i threw in some seasons that smelled good into the pot, stirring the mix. i tasted it and immediately ran to the sink to spit it out.

maybe some more garlic, i thought to myself, grabbing some, along with a knife. i began to chop up some thin slices of garlic when i heard the front door creak open. "hey, babe," i called out, not even looking up. i paid close attention to my hands, yet i still managed to get cut on my finger. "shit," i mumbled.

i looked up, seeing kai staring at me, his eyes dark. "kai?" i said, and his eyes flashed down to my finger which had blood oozing out of it. he licked his lips, the dark veins appearing. only then did i realize the blood dripping from his mouth, staining his white shirt. i didn't even have enough time to move before he came running over to me, yanking my hand up to his face.

he sniffed it for a second and then moaned in pleasure. i tried to pull my arm away from him, begging him to let go. "sorry, honey. i can't stop," he whispered in a low, seductive voice. under different circumstances, that would've been hot.

"yes you can, kai. please, this isn't you, you would never hurt me," i cried, his grip so tight on me that he was probably leaving bruises. "you promised you'd never hurt me. fight it, kai. i know you can."

"i don't know if you haven't realized, but i don't care," he said with a smirk. he looked like he was ready to devour my finger, but instead, he moved his head up, his teeth sinking into my neck. i screamed and tried with all of my force to push him off but it was no use.

"kai, this isn't you!" i yelled. he had a tight grip in my shoulders to ensure that the chances of me even getting a foot away from him seemed impossible.

his teeth remained inside of me, draining me of every single ounce of blood that i had. i feared he wouldn't stop. he was too far in for him to stop now. i felt my body getting weaker as the seconds went by, and soon, my body was sinking to the floor.

before my body could hit the ground, kai caught me, instantly snapping out of whatever trance he was in. "oh my god, y/n!" he yelled, helping me lay down slowly. he held me in his arms as i sobbed. i wanted to get as far away from him as possible, but my body wouldn't allow me to do that.

kai quickly bit his wrist, shoving his blood down my throat. he sighed in relief when the wound seemed to go away. i was still crying and haven't moved in the slightest. "please don't cry," he whispered. "i hate when you cry."

i had to put my hand over my mouth to stop my loud sobs from escaping my mouth. "how could you?" i whispered, and he brought his hand to my face, cautiously. his eyes went from filled with blood lust to remorseful, his sad, brown puppy dog eyes appearing.

"i never meant to hurt you... i wasn't thinking correctly." he stroked my face but instantly brought his hand away, seeing as though my body shook beneath his touch.

"you scared me," i said, staring at the ground. i knew that if i looked up and met his eyes, i'd instantly feel bad for him. i'd forgive him in seconds, despite the fact that i was almost made into a dead, human juice box.

"i know," was all he could get out, guilt laced in his tone. i could feel his gaze on me which made me uncomfortable.

"no, you don't know, malachai. you promised you'd never hurt me, yet you did. worse than anyone ever could. it took me nearly dying to get you to snap out of it!" i yelled.

"i- i'm sorry," i never yelled. ever. that was something my father did and i vowed myself to never be like him. i never even imagined myself raising my voice at kai, let alone yelling. i pinched the bridge of my nose.

"no, i'm sorry," i groaned. "i'm just pissed off, okay?"

"and you have every right to be." i finally decided to look up at him, shocked to see the tears that must've been coming down his face for a while now. it was quiet for a minute, us just staring at one another. "i'm sorry," he finally said, bursting into sobs. i sighed, pulling him closer to me. i held him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me, too. i never wanted this to end. "i know i messed up but please don't leave me.. you're all i have. please."

i laced my fingers with his, squeezing his hand tightly. "kai?"

he hesitantly looked up at me, waiting for me to continue.

"i'd never leave you," i said. "but please don't ever do that again."

he had the softest smile planted on his face and he leaned in to kiss me. "i promise," he whispered.

kai parker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now