come back to me // kai parker series pt. 1

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your p.o.v.

"kai, you have a lot of horrible ideas. this is one of them." i sighed as he and i ate a meal that he so kindly prepared for us.

"aw, you're worried about me?" he asked, an annoyingly (but cute) smug smirk on his face as he shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth.

"maybe." i replied, drinking some orange juice. "i'll be fine, y/n. i just really want to make amends with bonnie, i feel bad about the whole..." he trailed off.

"the murdering her part? the part where you gained her trust and then killed her like 3 times? the part where you left her alone in the prison world to die?" i finished his sentence and put my glass back down. he narrowed his eyes at me and i gave him a sarcastic smile.

"feelings are hard." he said, shaking his head. no kidding, i thought..

"chop chop, kai." damon said, walking in. "we're on a tight schedule." kai wiped his mouth with a napkin and folded it so perfectly, causing damon to roll his eyes. "you're wasting time.."

"i'm coming," kai said. "you guys have the ascendent, right?"

"do you think we're idiots? of course we have the ascendent."

i hugged everyone goodbye, hugging kai the longest. "be safe." i whispered into his ear and he smiled. "see you soon."

it really was cool seeing them sort of get beamed up, like an alien invasion or something. i sighed, now being all alone in the salvatore mansion with nothing else to do. i tried to occupy myself by having a relaxation day. hey, days like these don't go some often.

i was enjoying a nice cup of tea by the fire when they got back home. i shot up almost immediately, spilling some of tea onto the floor. "oops," i mumbled, speeding to the door to greet my friends.

"bonnie!" i yelled excitedly, since she was the first person i saw at the door. she hardly wrapped her arms around me, and i looked at everyone else's sad, lonely faces. i laughed, "what's with the long face?" my smile fell when i realized kai was nowhere to be seen. "where's kai?" i asked, completely ignoring the presence of damon's ripper of a mom.

"let's go inside." damon said, leading his mom in with a tight grip on her wrist. i trailed closely behind him.

"where is kai?" i asked again, and elena and damon exchanged a look while bonnie slowly inhaled.

"i left him in the 1903 prison world." she said teary eyed and my eyes widened. "you're joking.." i whispered, looking at damon and elena for help. "she's joking. please tell me she's joking."

"he's dangerous, y/n. you of all people should know that, i tried to kill myself because of him! he tried to kill me 3 times!" bonnie screamed.

"I LOVE HIM!" i yelled back, tears falling from my eyes. "i love him.." i whispered, "and you of all people should know that." i stormed out and made my way to stefan's room, which was the only vacant room in the house.

i used my vampire hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation going on downstairs. "hang on, y/n and kai?" elena said.

"woah, that's new." damon said, whistling.

"she's gonna hate me." bonnie sighed.

i cried, spending the night alone looking at pictures of kai and i. someone knocked on the bedroom door, "can i come in?" elena asked."

"no." i responded back, but she opened the door, anyway. "did you not hear me?" i sighed, turning off my phone and wiping the tears from undering my eyes. "does he know?" elena asked and i shook my head.

"i was going to tell him when he got back."

she sighed and wrapped her arms around me, which only caused me to cry even more. "i want him back." i sobbed. she rubbed my back and i rested my head on her shoulder. "i know..." she whispered.

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