you're hurting me // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

kai stumbled into our apartment, two hours later than he said he'd be back. his loud footsteps almost made me think there was an intruder, only to see his figure appear in the darkness.

"kai!?" i mumbled groggily, turning on the dim light. his jaw and fist were clenched so tightly, he was nearly shaking. worry washed over me and i made my way toward him. "what's wrong?" i said, but he held his hands out, indicating that he didn't want me to come any closer.

"what's wrong?" i repeated smpathetically, only to see his eyes burning with fury. he wasn't sad. he was pissed. "did something happen?"

"shut up y/n," he said through gritted teeth trying to calm himself.

"kai, please-"

"imitantor pupulis," he said, smacking his hand over his mouth, making me do the same. a mimic spell. fantastic. my words came out muffled and inaudible.

at last, he finally lowered his hand, allowing me to talk. "kai, please tell me what's wrong." he rolled his eyes, finally undoing the spell, letting me approach him once again. "talk to me. please." i gently put his hand on his cheek, only for him to forcefully grab my wrist.

i winced. "you are the last person i want to talk to, y/n. so take a hint, will you?" his grip on me only tightened, and my attempts at prying his fingers off of me failed. "stop trying to play the good guy. we all know it's just an act."

"kai, you're hurting me."

he laughed. "seriously, you're pathetic." his hand began to glow, and he started to siphon away vampirism. it felt like he was draining me of all of my blood. "kai, please!" i yelled with tears coming out of my eyes. "it hurts, please stop!"

realization hit him and he finally let go of me, causing me to topple onto the floor. i felt weak, laying on the floor of my boyfriends floor, my boyfriend who just tried killing me.

"y/n, oh my god, oh my god," he repeated, instantly falling to my side. "are you alright? i'm so sorry, i didn't mean-"

"why did you do that?" i asked as the tears slid down my face and onto the floor. he looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes, the ones that never allowed me to be mad at him.

"i- i don't know.. i wasn't thinking.." he grabbed my hand, holding it securely in his. he planted a soft kiss on it, then said, "i'm so sorry, y/n. i didn't mean to hurt you- i'll never do that again, i promise, just please don't leave me," he begged, and i narrowed my eyebrows.

"leave you? i'd never leave you, kai," i whispered, finally having enough strength to sit up. kai didn't let me do that on my own, he helped me up, then carried me to bed.

"you're all i have, y/n," he said, tucking me in. i smiled softly, gazing into his beautiful eyes. "i can't lose you, and i'm sorry." he gently brushed my hair out of my face and smiled sadly,

"i'm not leaving, kai," i replied, giving him a quick kiss. he exhaled, opening his eyes. "do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

he nodded, pulling me closer to him. we spent the rest of the night talking about his problems, and i spent it by trying to cheer him up. i cried and laughed with him, but there is no better way that i would've loved to spend my friday night.

a/n: this is short but its cute i think lol

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