you forgot // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i woke up with the biggest smile on my face. when i turned over to see kai, i shrieked, pulling the blanket above my chest. "bonnie- care!" i yelled, trying to cover myself.

elena threw a shirt at me and i turned around to put it on. "what are you guys doing here?" i laughed.

"it's your birthday!" caroline squealed, and they all came in for a group hug. "come on, we brought breakfast."

i made my way downstairs, "where's kai?" i asked. they shrugged and said they didn't know.

we all ate our pancakes and laughed as we reminisced and shared old childhood stories. caroline, bonnie and i couldn't hold it in when we finally told elena, two and a half decades later, that we were the ones who stole her lunch.

"i cried that day!" she said. "you guys suck. that was my favourite lunch box."

"that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever," i giggled.

after breakfast, they forced me to open up gifts, even though opening them in front of people makes me awkward. i loved every single one of them, i would cherish each and every one of these gifts forever.

"thank you!!" i said, giving them all hugs. i excused myself for a second so that i could call kai.

"hey," he said after the third ring.

"hi, where are you?" i asked.

"sorry, babe. i'm with damon," he responded, which weirded me out. he and damon didn't even come remotely close to liking one another.

"am i missing something? are you guys like- friends?" i said, laughing. there's no way they're friends. i don't even know why i asked.

"frenemies," he corrected, laughing along with me.

"what time are you gonna be home? you're missing all the fun," i pouted.

"probably not until dark, what's going on over there?"

"elena, bonnie and care are here."

"they showed up to surpise me," i stated.

"that's kind of them," he replied. "i've gotta go. i'll call you later. bye, i love you."

i frowned a little as a i let a 'bye.' when i walked into the living room, i smiled. i helped them clean up the mess of wrapping paper.

after a while of talking, elena checked them time. "shoot," she mumbled, making a face. "i'm late. i have to go. happy birthday, y/n!"

"thank you, and thank you for coming!" i said, hugging her back. soon, everyone else began to leave, too.

"have fun!" bonnie said as she left with caroline. i closed the door and sighed. at least i could celebrate with kai when he got home.

i got some things done today, i bought a cake and candles, a new shirt that i thought kai would like, cleaned and read a book. i called kai around 7pm.

"hi, are you on your way?" i asked. i heard voices in the background, damon's and stefan's. they sounded like they were arguing.

"no, sorry. these doorknobs are bickering about something. you can just head off to bed without me, i'm not sure when i'll be back. love you!"

"wait-" i said, but he had already hung up. there was no way i'd go to bed without even seeing him, so i stayed up, despite what kai told me.

"you're awake," he said, and i peeled my eyes off of the tv screen. i nodded, and though i was a bit annoyed, i ran to hug him, anyway.

i made note of the time; 10:21pm.

"missed me?" he chuckled, and he practically had to pry me off of him. i followed him to the living room where he slumped into the chair.

"yes," i said. he didn't pay anymore attention to me when he tuned into the channel that he really liked. i stared at him for a little way, finally realizing that he forgot my birthday.

the thought made me want to cry right here. "can't get enough of me, can you?" he said, glancing over at me with a smirk. he wiped it from his face when he saw the tear slid down mine.

"y/n? baby, what's wrong?" he gently caressed my cheek and i shook my head.

"nothing, i'm tired."

kai's p.o.v.

y/n walked to our room without another word. i was so confused, but i decided to give her a few minutes to cool off before going to check on her.

from the living room, i could see the kitchen. i got a good view of what was sitting on the counter, and my eyes almost bulged out of my head. "shit, shit, shit," i mumbled, seeing the birthday cake and the candles just waiting to be used.

i ran into our room to find her facing away from the door. i could hear her sniffles from over here, and i wasn't even sure if she heard me walk in.

when i wrapped my arms around her, she jumped a little bit. "it's me," i whispered, leaning into her. "i'm so sorry.."

there was nothing i could say to make up for this. we've been dating for eight months and i don't even know her birthday?

she didn't say anything to me, she only cried some more. "god, i'm such a dick. i didn't know.. i just. please forgive me i am so sorry.." the whole having emotions thing is still so new to me. i needed her to forgive me. i need her in my life. i feel guilty, sadness, angry with myself.

y/n finally turned a little to look at me, her eyes red and puffy. i wanted to reach out and wipe all of her tears away, and just hold her in my arms until she stopped crying. but i wasn't even sure if she wanted me here right now.

nonetheless, instead of yelling at me, she just wrapped her arms around me, closing her eyes shut again. i was so confused but i held her back because the feeling of y/n's arms around me is better than anything else in this world.

"it's okay. you're here now," was all she said. i stroked her head and played with her hair.

i wanted to kick and punch myself over and over again for doing this to her. "i hate seeing you cry. i'm so sorry that this is my fault."

she shrugged. "there's always next year."

i knew y/n all too well to know what she was doing. she doesn't want to make me feel guilty so she tries to hide her feelings.

"please don't do that. you can get mad at me all you want. i deserve it."

she shook her head. "look, it sucked, okay? but.. you're here with me now. and that's all that matters. we can do the cake tomorrow and you can pretend that tomorrow's my birthday."

i smiled, already making plans to get up early, buy her tons of gifts, make her her favourite breakfast and get her the besr cake ever. i'll take her shopping and set up a picnic or go to the beach for lunch. i'd take her to the best itaalian restaurant in town. i could buy her a promise ring, and not because i feel bad, but because she is y/n. she deserves it no matter what the day is.

"okay," i mumbled, placing a kiss on her forehead. "i'll make it up to you tomorrow. i promise."

"you better," she said tiredly, and i laughed.

"get some sleep, princess," i said, playing with her hair until she fell asleep.

a/n: kai is so cute bye.

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