he's back // kai parker

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"𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧"

your p.o.v.

for weeks, i begged bonnie to bring back kai. he was trapped in the prison world yet again, and she refused to let him out. i was willing to give her everything i had in exchange of kai's freedom, but she turned it all down.

during the time i constantly annoyed bonnie by my pleads, i did make myself at home at the salvatore boarding house. nobody cared too much, they were hardly home, anyway. i cooked and cleaned for everyone so i wouldn't be too much of a burden.

as i was tiding up the living room that they trashed last night, someone walked in. i turned my head, "hi, elena," i said.

"hey," she said quickly, pacing around, practically undoing all of the work i just did. "have you seen- like.. a little chest box?" she asked and i shook my head.

"the cure? i saw damon's mom walk out with it," i said with a shrug. she looked shocked that i even knew about the cure, but you know, they were my only source of entertainment here. i kept myself posted on the gilbert-salvatore drama.

bonnie then stormed through the front door which nobody ever seemed to lock. "Y/N!" she yelled, angrily stomping over to me. "what did you do?" she accusingly asked.

"i apologize for ruining your favourite sweater-"


i furrowed my eyebrows, "kai is exactly where you left him. did mt begging not help you register that in your head?"

"he escaped, y/n. he's out. now, i will ask again, what. did. you. do," all of her words got jumbled up and i hardly paid attention after i head the words, "he escaped."

i gulped, "he's out??"

i called his phone a million times, searching for him all throughout mystic falls. bonnie refused to help me find kai; she wanted to find him first.

eventually weeks passed with even so much as a text from the former love of your life. i was beginning to doubt that he even escaped, how could he, anyway?

whoever told bonnie that he got out was completely wrong, and i lost all of my hope when the last place i expected him to be didn't leave a single trace that told me he was ever there.

i began to sink to the floor, my sobs filling the room. i was never going to get him back, now. he's really gone, and a part of me tried for so long to push that thought out of my head. i kept telling myself that i can save him, but i have no power, i'm not a witch. how could i do this on my own?

soon, i got up and headed to kai's side of the dresser and picked up his favourite shirt. i inhaled, expecting to smell him all over it, crying all over again to be disappointed once more. it was losing his smell. i was losing him.

my shaky hands held the shirt close to me as it was one of the last things i had of him.

"y/n?" i heard an all too familar voice say. am i daydreaming? hallucinating? i feel fine, and this seems all too real to be a dream.

"kai..?" i stuttered. i ran into his arms, nearly knocking him off balance. as quickly as i ran up to him, i pulled away. "where were you, kai?" i asked.

"i had some.. unfinished business," he simply said and i scoffed.

"right, and it's so important that you couldn't even call your girlfriend to let her know that you're okay?? or even text her, send a letter, go to her house, anything, kai! i was worried about you, i thought i lost you forever, and you're here, not even telling me what's going on."

"i wanted to tell you in person.." he whispered, "i'm sorry."

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