you're hurting me // kai parker

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requested:) i think ive done something similar to this but i dont actually remember
your p.o.v.

i decided to tidy up the house before kai came back home. i made his favourite food, did the laundry, vaccumed and am now dusting.

kai hasn't been home in two days, but he promised me he'd return today. i almost squealed in excitement as i heard the front door open, turning around eagerly, only to hear something shatter behind me.

i looked down to see the teal vase i bought two months ago in what seemed like millions of pieces. i cursed under my breath as kai's footsteps began to approach. i tried to quickly pick up a few pieces, hissing in pain as my grab for one of the chunks sliced my hand.

"y/n.." kai said, his voice a whisper. i turned around, blood dripping down my left hand. i smiled a bit when i faced him, but it quickly faded as i saw his eyes go dark.

panicked, i realized it was because of my hand. he was still a good six feet away from me, and i could run. right now. kai wouldn't be upset, he'd just want me to be safe. but before i could even move, kai sped toward me, taking my hand in his.

he examined it as i watched his face closely. his eyes were nearly black and veins grew beneath them.

"kai," i shuddered, trying to yank my hand away from him. his grip was too strong and i suddenly felt powerless. he then brought my hand to his face and harshly bit down, causing more wounds and blood to surface.

i yelled in pain, both of his hands now gripping mine. "kai, please you're hurting me," i cried and he pulled away, a devilish smirk on his face. he stroked my cheek, and then proceeded to tuck my hair behind my ear.

his fangs sunk into my neck as i cried, trying to get him off of me. of course i've let kai drink from me a few times, but he never went overboard. he knew when to stop, even before.

i have no clue what's gotten into him. my tears fell down my face. the more i moved, the more it hurt. my knees suddenly felt weak and i couldn't even hold myself up anymore.

i began to slide down the wall, probably sitting on a few of the glass shards from the vase. i sobbed, trying to catch my breath. kai quickly pulled himself away from me in shock, looking at his hands that were covered in blood.

he bit down on his wrist and forcefully shoved his blood down my throat. i couldn't even refuse. my body was still shaking as i looked at the monster in front of me.

"y/n.. i'm so-"

"get the fuck out, malachai."

he gulped, shaking his head. "no, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i can fix this, i can.. you're okay. we're okay, i'm sorry, y/n. y/n? god, please talk to me.." he whispered, and i shook my head, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"get out."

a/n: sorry i havent posted in a while ive just had no inspo and im sorry if this really sucks:/. but thank you so much for 20k reads, thank you for all of the comments, i read all of them but i cant respond because i have to like verify my email or something lmao. and thank you for voting all of it means so much thankyou thankyou<3

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