you hesitated // kai parker

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pre-vampire kai and a human y/n

your p.o.v.

i went to the local cafe to grab some coffee for kai and i. an iced caramel latte for me with 2 pumps of syrup, and a black coffee for kai. as if he can't be anymore psycho.

carrying the drinks, i took a sip of mine. i fumbled with the car keys, trying to get the door open, when i felt someone come up behind me and stick a syringe in my neck. before i could get a look at whoever it was that did that, i blacked out.

7 hours later

i woke up, my body chained up, the chains attached to the ceiling. i was in somebodys house. "sorry, y/n. but we had to." jo said, and i looked at her, confused as ever.

my phone began to ring; kai was calling me. i knew this because i had a certain ringtone that i picked out just for him. jo reached over to answer it and put him on speaker. "y/n?? thank god. where are you, you were supposed to be home 7 hours ago- the cops are looking for you!"

i tried to respond but the words just got caught up in my throat, it was too hard for me to talk. my arms were sore from being lifted up against my will.

i saw jo open her mouth to respond to kai, but kai's father came over and took the phone from her hands. her father dismessed her. "we've got y/n, malachai." his father said into the phone. i heard a slur of curse words errupt from kai's mouth before he formed a coherent sentence.

"what the hell?!! where are you? don't fucking hurt her or i'll kill you," he threatened. kai's father approached me, holding a huge knife up to my neck. my breathing became uneasy as he dragged it across my skin, blood pouring out. i screamed in pain.

"kai, please help me!" i cried out. i heard some tires screech and a bunch of honks.

"i'm so sorry y/n- where are you?!" kai demanded. "she's human! please don't hurt her." kai was no longer being aggressive, he was begging.

"we're at my house," his father said. "clocks ticking." before he hung up the phone, he made sure to get one more slit in on my cheek.

i was bleeding out now, the wounds so deep that i was on the verge of passing out. luckily, i heard the door slam open, then shut. "y/n??" kai yelled.

"in here." i croaked out, and he ran up to me, instantly beginning to undo the chains.

"uh-uh," i heard his father say. "did you really think i kidnapped your girlfriend and brought you all the way over here for the fun of it?" he asked.

kai groaned, "just let me save her first. what do you want?"

"here's the thing, actually. you plan on doing the merge tonight, right. you've got a celestial event, a twin sister to do it with and a whole bunch of magic," he said. "am i right?"

"you're not wrong." kai replied.

his father smiled. "you see, for the sake of the gemini coven, we can't necessarily let that happen," kai looked up im confusion. "oh come on, son. you're smarter than this, you don't know what i'm getting at?" kai shook his head no.

"if you want to save your sweet little y/n, you will not do the merge, do you understand me? y/n's already on the verge of dying, just a little push..." his father trailed off, picking up a knife and pointing it at my chest.

kai froze. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds...

"wow!" his father said, amused. "wow, i actually thought you'd save her, you know, her being the love of your life and all. but that's the thing about you, malachai. you only care about yourself."

kai's father stabbed the knife into my chest and i instantly started to cough out blood. "kai.." i croaked out, my eyes fluttering shut.

"alright! i won't do the merge!" kai yelled, running to me.

kai's p.o.v.

"it's a little late, son." my father said, but i still tried to use my magic to wake her. i had too much, and i didn't know how to control it. if anything, i could be hurting y/n, but i'd never know.

my father walked away, leaving me and y/n alone. i lost track of time but it had to have been over twenty minutes. "wake up, princess. please..." i sobbed, wiping the blood off of her face.

one more. one more time for y/n. i began chanting once more.

her eyes flew open, instantly wincing at the pain from her wound. "y/n!!" i beamed happily.

i quickly picked her up and put her in the car, speeding to the salvatore house. i left y/n im the passengers seat as i went inside, she needed her rest.

"damon! stefan!" i yelled.

"what the hell are you doing here?" stefan asksd, caroline behind him.

"look, i know you hate me but y/n needs vampire blood. like, now." i replied, and caroline seemed skeptical, but she complied, putting some of her blood in a cup.

y/n is caroline, bonnie and elena's best friend. they were like a squad of something, i'm not caught up in modern day slang.

i ran back out to the car, care and stefan trailing behind me. opening the door, y/n started to stir. "here, honey. drink this." i had to force it down her throat since she could hardly even lift up her arms.

caroline gasped. "what the hell happened to her?" i was so relieved to see the wounds heal up pretty quickly, and in no time, y/n was healed.

"long story." i said, getting into the drivers seat and speeding away, leaving stefan and caroline with shocked expressions.

i grabbed y/n's hand, but she quickly pulled away from me. "i'm so glad you're okay- y/n?" i asked.

she was angry. "you hesitated," she mumbled.

"what?" i asked.

"you hesitated to save me. were you really considering doing the merge instead of saving my life?"

"well you're here, aren't you?" i said.

"yeah, after you let your father stab me, because you hesitated."

"look, i know i screwed up-"

"take me home." i said.


"take me home, please, malachai."

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