biggest fear // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

everyone is afraid of something, right? even kai has a few fears of his own.. which is definitely saying something. my biggest fear is being alone. losing everyone and beinf stranded.. losing the love of my life all of my friends, the closest thing that i have to family.

i never told anyone about this fear. it was silly, anyway. even i thought so. most people, rarely even kai got to see my soft side.

for the most part, that was just a genuine fear of mine that i had. never in a million years did i expect that it would come true.

when i walk up, kai wasn't sound asleep next to me. i didn't really think anything of it, maybe he had plans and didn't want to wake me. for the rest of the day, i sat around the house, bored out of my mind while waiting for kai.

around 8pm, i have received no messages or calls from him, and no replies to texts that i've sent him, either. so i tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. i left a short one asking where he was and to call me as soon as he could.

when it reached 11pm, i was pacing around the room, my heart racing at a thousand miles per hour. by now i had blown up his phone, panicking even more when my messages eventually stopped sending.

i couldn't sit around and wait for any longer, so i grabbed the keys and went to the first place i'd expected him to be, the salvatore mansion. i banged on the door as hard as i could before a groggy elena opened it for me.

"hi, sorry," my voice came out hoarse and rushed. "have you see kai?? he hasn't been home all day and hasn't texted or callef. is he here?" i rambled.

"uh.. no.." elena said, still trying to wake herself up. she stepped aside a bit to let me in and i walked inside, looking around frantically for kai even though i knew he wasn't here.

"is damon awake? can you ask him if he's seen kai? i'm sorry i'm just so worried.." i ran my hands through my hair, being completely out of breath.

elena walked over to give me a hug and a small smile. "i'll talk to him," she said, speeding upstairs.

i sat down on the couch tiredly. it was already 1am but i was so worried that i wasn't tired at all. 

elena walked in, damon trailing behind her. he was pulling his shirt down. "have you seen kai?" i asked, hoping he'd say yes. he shook his head.

i groaned in frustration, not knowing what to do anymore. there were no other places that kai would go to that i know of. i can no longer even send messages, let alone call him. "has he texted?"

damon looked at his phone and shook his head once again. elena did the same, and she apologized. i just nodded and thanked them for inviting me in, apologized for waking them and then left.

when i got in the car, i began hyperventilating. i was panicking. losing kai is hands down my biggest fear in the world, and now i have no clue where he is, if he's even okay or what the hell he's doing. bonnie didn't have her powers, most of the heretics are dead, i don't even have valerie's contact information so i have no clue how to reach her.

so i can rule out my last chance of finding him through a locator spell.

1 week later

i slowly lost my mind without kai here. i have distanced from everyone else that i've ever cared about. they're all worried sick about me but i'm so focused on kai that i didn't care at all.

i even did so much as travel to portland to his old home but of course he wasn't there. how would i ever find him in this whole, wide world?

finding a witch to do a stupid locator spell is a lot harder than i expected. the one's i have cone across aren't willing to do it, after finding out who i was trying to track down.

after another failure with someone who wasn't even a witch, only pretended to be, i walked to my car in defeat. i lost hope of ever finding him. clearly he didn't want to be found.

i leaned against the steering wheel and cried, wondering a million different things. why would he leave me? what did i do? is he safe? i couldn't let myself rest until i knew for sure that he was even okay. if he's not going to come back to me, i at least want to make sure he's safe.

my phone began ringing and i jumped. quickly, i wiped my tears and tried to focus on the voice that spoke.

"y/n? where are you? you need to come down and see this," matt said on the phone.

"why? what's wrong?" i asked worridly. i heard him sigh into the phone.

"hurry, y/n."

he hung up and i quickly threw my phone down and stepped on the pedal, speeding home. maybe it was something about kai. maybe he's found him.

but by the tone of matt's voice, this can't be good news.

matt told me to meet at his house instead of the station, which made things even more suspicious. i walked in skeptical, and found him sitting by an open laptop.

"i found this on the cameras.." he said, the pressed play.

i heard voices in the distance and none of it made sense to me. then i heard kai's voice. god, how i missed it more than anything.

"y/n? y/n?" he called out, walking around like a lost puppy. "baby, stop. this isn't funny."

"guess again," i heard a voice say. my eyes darted to a dark figure on the other side of the screen. i couldn't tell who it was until they stepped into the light. i gasped. damon?

he waved at kai with his devilish smirk. kai looked confused. "damon, what the hell? where's y/n."

"don't you think it's better that she's not here to see this?" damon asked.

kai began to step away, but damon sped up behind him and ripped his heart out. i choked, felling the air escape my breath. i couldn't breathe any longer.

damon looked triumphant as he threw the heart onto the ground and walked away as if nothing happened, as if the love of my life's blood wasn't on his hands.

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