christmas // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

around three months ago, kai and i had a huge fight. bickering was normal for the two of us, and sometimes, i couldn't even stand the sight of his face, but this is the worst it's ever gotten. we still haven't spoken to each other since that day.

he kicked me out of his trashed house, pieces of glass scattering the floor from the countless frames and vases that we threw during our argument,

it's just him and i in this prison world, and i wanted nothing more than to be with my former boyfriend, kai for the holidays. but of course, like the stubborn people we were, we refused to be near one another.

tomorrow is christmas, and i don't think i could bear to spend it alone. i drove around, going to countless stores and finding things that kai would like. i guess one good thing about this prison world is that literally everything is ours.

i got him countless albums that he'd like, some movies, a new pair of headphones, a bunch of pork rinds, and a few jackets that i thought would look good on him. then, i drove to a car dealership and took a car that seemed perfect for kai. i wrapped all of the gifts and mentally prepared myself for tomorrow.

the next day (christmas)

i put on a santa hat that autonatically made me think of kai, since the second he'd see it, he'd make fun of it. i laughed a bit, thinking of all of the comments he'd make about this hat.

driving in my new car for kai with the gifts in the back, i listened to a few nirvana songs that i'd heard countless times with kai.

when i finally reached his house, it was so dark that it seemed like it hadn't been touched in over a decade. but i knew that was just how kai liked it. i knocked on his door, the gifts heaving my hands.

at first, i didn't hear any movements within the house. and then i saw a light flicker on, so i knocked again. finally, i heard footsteps and muffled voices. voices? plural?

a girl opened the door, her hair blonde and curly. a big, buff man stood next to her, his eyes gold; like a werewolves.

"hey baby," kai said, wrapping his arms around the girl who had opened the door. the gifts almost slipped out of my hands, and i stumbled a bit, trying to catch them.

"who's she?" the girl said, almost scrunching her nose.

i felt sick to my stomach, suddenly feeling ridiculous for going out and doing all of this for kai. i've never felt so alone during our months apart, but the whole time, he had company.

"nobody. go check on the food, yeah? i'll deal with her," kai said, and the girl gave a reluctant nod, disappearing into the hallways of the house.

my heart raced as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him. i bet i look like such an idiot, showing up to his door in a santa hat, holding gifts. "what are you doing here?" he asked, almost clenching his jaw.

"i'm.. um.. i wanted to see you," i said, then immediately winced. i wanted to see you? how pathetic. "and- uh. merry christmas." i held out my gifts, also giving him the keys to the car.

"i got you that. i mean, i got it from the dealership downtown. i didn't, like, actually buy it but um.." i rambled, feeling insanely small, standing next to kai. has it always been like this?

he just nodded. "is that all?" he said, standing there impatiently.

"and i'm sorry," i blurted out, causing his eyes to widen a bit with shock. i guess there's no going back now. "i came here because i wanted to see you. and because i missed you, and because i wanted to apologize for the things i said. i didn't mean it, i just wasn't thinking properly and i'm really sorry and i was hoping that we could spend christmas together because i love you-"

i immediately stopped talking. never have i ever said those words to kai, let alone most of the people that i knew. they sort of just slipped out, but i didn't regret a single word.

he stared at me for a second, debating and choosing his next words carefully and thoughtfully.

the girl from earlier had stepped out onto the porch with either of us realizing. she clapped, a grin on her face. "it's a christmas miracle, someone loving kai," she said. "we're over, kai. go be with her," the girl said calmly.

"wait- i'm sorry, you don't have to break up because of me i-"

she laughed. "i don't care. i prefer girls anyway, thanks for all the sex, kai." my eyes widened a bit and he gulped, staring at the ground that must be so interesting. that was definitely not something i needed to hear.

he finally looked up, his eyes meeting mine. he set the gifts down and grabbed my hands. "i'm sure you know i'm not very good at this.." he said. "and frankly, i don't know if i'm doing anything right, or if i'm just making a fool of myself, but i really do.. i.." it took him a bit longer than it would a normal person to say the three words.

"i care about you. a lot," is what he settled on. i understand, he's probably never even said the l-word out loud. "and i'm sorry too. i said some pretty crappy things that night."

i laughed a bit and he pulled me close to his chest, and i missed this familiar position so much that it's almost insane.

i had to lift my head up and stand on my tippy toes a bit just so that kai and i's lips could meet. his hands found their way to my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck.

it's insane that i went three months without a kiss from kai, when, right now, i never want it to end.

pulling away, i slowly opened my eyes to be met with kai's. i heard kai mumble something, but from what i've learned from him, it sounded like a levitation spell. i looked up, seeing a mistletoe floating above our heads.

i scoffed and lightly hit kai's shoulder. he leaned down, placing another kiss on my lips. this time it was shorter and less intense, more passionate, but i loved it all the sane.

when he pulled away, his eyes very slowly opened. kai still held me in his arms. "i love you," he breathed out.

a/n: merry (early bc im probably not gonna have time to post) christmas / happy holidays!

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