founders party // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

"you look so pretty!" caroline squealed as she pushed my hair to the side a bit. i blushed, looking down.

"so do you!" we applied some lip gloss and i admired the gorgeous dress that caroline helped me pick. elena came around the corner, a camera in hand.

"look at us!!" she yelled, taking a photo of everyone off-guard except for her. i covered my face with my hand, laughing.

"don't post that!" i said as we lined up at the door.

"john is so lucky to be your date," caroline whispered when i heard my name get called. i pushed my nerves down and i made my way to the staircase.

my heart raced faster and faster as i smiled on the way down. i looked around, seeing that john was nowhere to be found. i wiped the smile at my face and became embarrassed.

standing there awkwardly, i debated running away. but that would be 10x worse. i'd never hear the end of it. i saw someone pushing through the crowds through my blurred vision, due to the tears that nearly fell down my face.

somebody rushed to the end of the staircase and held his hand out. kai. i smiled awkwardly, reaching the end of the steps and gratefully took his hand.

everyone clapped i did a little bow, whispering a thank you to kai. he nodded and watched as everyone else made their way down.

the dance begun. i became more and more nervous about this part especially. i didn't expect kai to know the dance, but shockingly, he did.

we were perfectly in sync, getting lost in each others eyes. his grayish blue eyes never looked better in his suit. god, i didn't know kai in a suit was something i needed to see, but now that i have, i can't get enough of it.

"y/n, y/n!" i heard my name being called, and i glanced to the side a little to see john looking over at me apologetically. he had hickeys on his neck that he so poorly tried to hide. i scoffed and rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to kai.

kai saw what i was looking at, and clenched his jaw at the sight of john. he was a horrible dance partner, anyway.

the dance ended and we bowed. "how did you know that?" i whispered to kai with a grin on my face.

"that's for me to know," he responded as the crowd clapped rather loudly.

at this point, i didn't care at all about winning miss mystic falls. being with kai was enough, and it was perfect.

i clapped excitedly when caroline won, and smiled when they placed the crown on her head. "thank you!" she said happily.

"that should be you," kai said, wrapping an arm around my waist. i just shrugged, laying my head on his shoulder. this was better than winning.

a/n: yeha idk what this is ?

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