changed // kai parker

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your p.o.v. - flashback to 2 weeks ago

"are we.." i asked, looking around. kai beamed happily, running around. he noticed a car that wasn't parked there before. he literally hugged the first person he saw.

"we're out!" he said, letting go of the person and going to hug me. after 18 years of kai being in the prison world and me accidently getting stuck with him, we made it out.

i hugged him back tightly, "i can't believe this." i said, astonished. our first destination was to find his sister, liv. i trailed behind him, and we eventually got tired of walking so we got into something called an uber.

"skinny jeans are so tight.." he rambled on and on as i sighed, feeling bad for the driver who had to deal with kai. when we finally got out of the car, i offered our driver an extra tip, but before i could do so, kai strangled him.

"kai!" i yelled, "he's the second person we've seen in two years and you killed him!"

"oh, it felt so good to do that," he said, releasing the grip on the headphones he choked the driver with.

i rolled my eyes as he continued to walk into the bar where his sister was supposedly at. "are you sure this is it?" i asked as we walked in.

"yeah," he said, shushing me. i felt bad seeing his sister get hurt. 18 years living with kai, alone, but i'm still me. i'm nothing like him.

2 days later

kai and i have visited liv and luke already, tomorrow we're going to visit the salvatore mansion to see damon. for the time being, we're staying at a hotel. people don't exactly want to house a sociopath.

as i started to wake up, i noticed kai already getting ready. "where are you going?" i asked groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"to the salvtaore mansion," he said, and i began to get up and get ready. "y/n- you don't need to come everywhere," i could tell there was a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"what?" i scoffed, putting on my shirt.

"we spent 18 years together, y/n," kai said. "we're out now, we don't have to spend every waking moment together." i furrowed my eyebrows at him.

i know he doesn't really know what emotions are or how they work, so he wouldn't know what i'm feeling.

my eyes began to water, i thought after 18 years that maybe he's changed, and maybe we were friends. i mean, i considered him one of my best friends. he's all i had in the prison world, but at the end of the day i'm still me and he's still him.

"so dramatic!" he joked when he saw my eyes pooling with tears. i left the motel we were staying at with my bag in hand, not exactly knowing where to go. i knew two people, kai and damon, but i don't think damon would want to let me stay at his house.

i decided to just go to another motel, one slightly better than the one i was staying at with kai. it's better here, anyway, away from him and his family drama.

i decided to pick up where i left off, before i got swept into this whole prison world nonsense with kai; meaning go back to school, college. i enrolled at whitmore where i ended up in a dorm with caroline, elena and bonnie (i know that it's only 3 per dorm, but yeah deal with it).

immediately, i recognized bonnie, as well as elena's name. she's all damon ever talked about. i guess when you're not trying to kill one another, bonnie can be a great friend. all three of them kept me company, and i was actually beginning to enjoy myself.

my professor was alaric, aka professor saltzman. from what i've picked up, he's kai's sisters fiancé, i'm pretty sure. it's a lot to keep up with.

2 weeks later (aka present day)

i never knew life without kai could be so amazing. at first, i was lonely, he's become so important to me, i couldn't deal with the fact that he just left.

that was until i made some new friends and started to live my own life, not just in kai's shadow. and, god, did it feel good.

i tried to tell myself i was better off without kai, but who was i kidding. i love and need him, but i will let that secret die with me.

walking back to my dorm, books in hand, i turned on the lights. bonnie, care and elena went out but i decided to stay in and study. i just needed to grab a few things from here before i headed back to the library. i wasn't expecting any unwanted vistors.

"kai?" i said, shocked. his eyes were red and puffy, i almost believed he was crying. then i realized that this is kai parker we're talking about. he probably just has allergies. i thought that up until i saw a tear escape from his eye, sliding down his cheek.

"y/n.." he cried, slowly walking to me, ready to pull me into a hug. i was hesitant and confused, but i hugged him back, anyway. "i'm so sorry, i made a mistake.."

he proceeded to tell me about what's happened in the last two weeks. tried to kill his siblings once again, expected. kidnapped elena, so that's where she went! expected. merged with luke? definitely not expected.

"i thought you could only merge with jo?" i said and he shrugged.

"but anyway," kai began. "i must have inherited luke's emotions." he let out a groan. "i would've been fine with having his looks, even the whole gay thing, but this??" he shook his head in disgust. "i have this, this pit in my stomach. i fear that it won't go away until you forgive me."

i scoffed, "forgive you? you were only friends with me because i was all you had, you're out now, so clearly you don't need me anymore. which you made very clear, by the way."

he gently put his hands on my shoulders, not trying to scare me. "you're wrong in so many ways," he said, lips parted and cheeks a rosy pink colour. "i do care about you, y/n. i've had caroline and bonnie keep an eye on you whilst i was busy; i would never let anything happen to you. my enemies can't become yours."

his face inched towards mine and i sat there, astonished. he proceeded to lean into me, just about to connect our lips. my heart beat was accelerating as i've anticipated this exact moment for as long as i could remember.

his lips just inches away from mine, he abruptly pulled back, a laugh echoing throughout the room.

"did you actually think i'd kiss you? come on, y/n. 18 years with me and you still know nothing," he said with the laugh of a villan. i gulped, cheeks heating up with embarrassment.

"look, y/n," he started. "i may have changed, but no one changes that much."

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