redemption // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

kai and i walked, hand-in-hand in the park. i was stressed out about life in general, and kai, being the loving boyfriend that he is, agreed to go on a walk with me. we walked in silence for around 10 minutes, until i heard sirens off in the distance.

i paused for a minute, moving my hair to try and listen some more. "do you hear that?" i asked, turning to kai. he just nodded, grabbed my hand again and started to walk off in the opposite direction. "kai!" i said, pausing again. "we need to help them!" i began to rush back, but kai grabbed ahold of my arm.

"i'm not letting you go." he said sternly, and i tried to yank my arm away but it was no use. "it's not safe."

"people could be in danger! they could be dying, kai! please, let me go!!" he only tightened his grip when i finished my sentence. i was practically begging him. "kai, that hurts. let me go."

"what if you get hurt?" he yelled. "people will use you as bait. what if something happens?" kai loosened his grip, but he didn't fully let go.

"then you can come with me." i said, losing my patience. i could hear people shouting from afar.

"now that's stupid, we'd both die." he cross his arms across of his chest.

"kai, are you that paranoid? not everyone in the world is coming after you! don't you want to redeem yourself after doing what you did to your family? or, at least try to??" i said angrily, and he sighed.

"fine. stay here." he began to walk off, but i was not going to let him go anywhere.

"you aren't going without me." i quickly began to run along with him, and i sped to the scene before he could stop me. a woman with brown curly hair was in the car, matt next to her. there was an ambulance, but no doctors were in sight.

"matt?!" i said alarmed, and the woman turned to look at me. she looked very identical to elena, like her older sister or something. not as close as katherine, her doppelganger, but close. her head was bleeding, but something next to her looked suspicious. it was red and glowing. matt looked guilty as hell, but i wasn't until i heard kai yell that i began to register what was happening.

"RUN!" kai shouted, but the brunette woman picked up the glowing thing, which i learned was attached to a sword.

i tried to get away, but i felt a weird stab in my neck. i turned around to see it was matt who shot me. matt donovan. one of my best friends, now stabbing me in the back, almost literally.

"my goal was to get kai here, but you'll do." the woman who only began to look more and more like elena the longer i looked at her said.

it made me weak and before i could get away, i saw the girl coming closer to me. i tried to limp to kai, but i fell. i fought off the dizziness for as long as i possibly could, long enough to see the girl approaching me with the sword. i then realized that it was the phoenix stone, the one that supposedly put damon, stefan and many others in hell.

"rayna, stop!" i heard matt yell, but she didn't. obviously.

"MOTUS!" kai shouted with all of his strength, and rayna just laughed.

"cute." she said, and i felt myself getting stabbed in the stomach, coughing out blood before i dozed off from whatever matt had shot me with.

i woke up two hours later, in the passenger's seat next to kai. he grabbed the wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white. there was blood on my shirt, and my stomach was aching with pain. "i'm not healing." i said, panicking.

"you're not going to." kai stated. "she marked you."

"where are we going?" i asked, and kai sighed, getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"WHEREVER WE CAN, Y/N! SHE MARKED YOU, WE'RE NOT SAFE ANYWHERE," he exhaled, taking a break from all of his shouting. "she can see what we're doing. even right now, she's probably laughing from behind us. we're not safe, y/n. wherever we go, she'll follow. that scar you have is linked to her."

i considered all of his words. rayna and i were linked, so i realized, if she didn't kill me before her time on earth has expired, she'll take me down with her, anyway. i reached over to grab his hand that was making marks in the steering wheel. "give me your hand." i whispered, and he reluctantly took it off the wheel, now holding mine. "i love you, malachai. thank you for everything."

he looked at me, confused and panicked. "what are you talking about, y/n?" he asked.

"i'm dead, anyway." i said with a sad smile, shedding a few tears. "if she doesn't already get to me, she'll bring me down with her when she dies of old age." my grip on kai's hand tightened and he shook his head.

"no," he said. "no, i'm not letting you do this. you're all i have, y/n, please."

i looked at him sadly. i've never seen this side of kai before. sad, helpless kai parker. who would've thought?

"malachai, look at me." i said, and he peeled his eyes off the road, not caring if he crashed this car into that tree, or that one.

"i don't want you to spend the rest of your life running because of me. as long as i'm around, next to you, you're not safe. i'd be damned if she stabbed you and put you in that hell." his hands were now shaking in mine.

"please.." he begged, and i couldn't look at him. if i took one look at his sad, blue eyes, i'd never want to leave. that would be selfish of me, and i wouldn't know what to do if he got himself stabbed, too. "i love you, y/n y/l/n." he said.

"i will always love you malachai."

"hold my hand please. for a little longer." he whispered, then began chanting something.

"what are you doing?" i asked, he only shushed me. i assumed he was just doing a spell to cloak us or something, so that rayna wouldn't be able to see us for a while. i thought a cloaking spell was only one word, though.

maybe he was using a spell to create a border between us and rayna? i really wasn't sure, but i didn't want to disturb or distract him. he always got annoyed when i talked whilst he was trying to concentrate.

he finally finished, and i no longer felt the stinging of the scar on my stomach. kai began swerving and coughing up blood. he took his hand out of mind and his other off of the steering wheel so that he could clutch his stomach.

i looked down, realizing there was no longer a big, red and bloody "x" on my stomach. "kai?" i said, and he gave me a small smile, lifting up his shirt.

"is this enough to redeem myself?" he asked, showing me the scar, his eyes no longer on the road. it was almost like we weren't even in a car.

"KAI!" i yelled. "no, i can't let you do this, give me the scar back!" he reached his hand over and unbuckled my seatbelt, then did a spell to make the car door swing open. though, since he had so much power, instead of just one door opening, all of them did.

"i love you, y/n." i could hear the pain in his voice.

"kai!!" i screamed, now crying waterfalls.

"MOTUS!" he screamed, then i went flying out of the car, and kai sped away in the car."

a/n: if you couldn't tell, the literal only spells that i know are motus and invisique lmao.

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