best friend's brother // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i blushed as i shut the door behind me, butterlies fluttering all around in my stomach. my date with kai had gone great, he told me all about his family. they seem nice, we talked for hours.

"so how was your date?!" liv squealed, her face popping into the frame of the screen. she moved the camera over a little so that i could see both her and luke.

"amazing.. more than amazing. oh my god. he's like.. perfect!" i told them. "he's from portland. he has a twin, apparently.."

liv and luke both gushed over what i told them.

"he made me dinner. it was spectacular. he said his dad taught him how to cook. he's got like.. 18 years of practice."

"what's his name again?" luke asked.

"malachai. well, he hates when people call him that, so i call him kai. isn't that like.. such an adorable name," i laughed.

they weren't laughing. their faces were shocked and covered with terror. "are you guys alright?" i asked.

"remember when i told you about my psycho older brother who escaped from the prison world? that's him, y/n," liv said, and my face went pale.

why couldn't i have noticed it before? his last name is literally parker. he's "new in town?" god, such bullshit. i can't believe i even fell for it.

my phone pinged, and i glanced over at it.


kai: i had a lot of fun tonight.
hope we can do it again
sometime? i'm free tomorrow ;).

i scoffed, reading the message. "kai?" luke asked and i nodded. i was so angry with myself that i cried.

"how could i let this happen?!" i yelled.

"y/n, you didn't know-" liv said, but i cut her off by hanging up the phone.

all of the clues were right in front of me.

sociopath checklist:
from portland (check)
last name parker, first name malachai (check)
has a twin sister (check)

i furiously texted kai back, no matter how much i told myself not to engage, i just had to say something to him.

i know who you are, kai.
what do you want from me?

i knew you'd figure it out
before the night's over,
clever girl.

i got what i needed from you,
y/n, so you serve no purpose
in my life anymore. tonight
was fun though! turns out
i'm actually busy tomorrow,
date's off. sorry(:.

god. only a sociopath puts the parenthesis before the colon.

and what exactly did you get
from me?

well, you lead me right to
my little sister!

nice chat, but i've gotta go.
i'm driving. family reunion
and all. thanks for the help!

i angrily squeezed my phone in my hand. quickly, i called liv and luke. "run. kai's coming."

a/n: something short idk

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