misunderstood // kai parker (part 1)

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i dont really like this one that much but anyway i might do a part 2 lol

your p.o.v.

sunday, the only day that i actually got to sleep in. normally, i did, but after waking up to kai getting out of bed at 8am, i couldn't go back to sleep. i had this weird feeling that something was wrong, and it kept me awake.

after about 30 minutes of tossing and turning, i decided to finally get up. i could take a nap later, anyway. i made my way downstairs, my footsteps quiet since i had fuzzy socks on.

kai must not have seen me, because he would never let me see him in this state. he sat on the couch, head in his hands. i slowly made my way over to him. "kai?" i said, making my way to the couch. he didn't move, he kept his face buried in his hands, but i could hear the light sobs coming from him.

i immediately wrapped my arms around him, if he wanted to talk, i'd let him. but i wasn't going to force him to. his body was shaking and my body ached. i hate seeing him like this. he shook me off of him and i grabbed his hand instead as his cries got quieter and quieter.

"i can't do this anymore," kai said, his voice muffled. i turned my head to look at him. "i'm a horrible person, y/n." after his merge with luke, kai began feeling guilty for every single thing that he did.

i turned his head to face me and i gently caressed his cheek, wiping off the tears. "you've done some bad things, kai, but we all have. you're good. you care about people and do good things." kai laughed hysterically and i gave him a confused look.

"good? y/n, i'm a sociopath. i'm not good." he said.

"you may think so, but i don't i know somewhere deep down, there's good in your heart. you're just misunderstood.." i whispered, and he laughed some more, pulling away from me.

"and what, you understand me?" he said. "you're not a shitty person, y/n. you could never understand me, no matter how hard you try."

i was taken aback by his comment. "i'm trying, kai."

"stop trying, y/n!" he yelled. "you will never understand me. don't you see? we don't work. as long as you're you and i'm me, we will not work."

"you're wrong, kai," i whispered, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "you're wrong."

"maybe," he said. "but i'm doing this for you, not me. you don't need me, i'm ruining you, y/n! the longer you're with me, the more i hurt you. we cannot be together."

i sobbed, realization hitting me. we're done. kai is gone, it's over for us, now. "of course i need you."

he looked up, noticing the hurt in my voice. his eyes that were once filled with fury and rage softened at the sight of me. "please don't cry. i hate when you cry, y/n." his body engulfed me as he pulled me into a hug.

"please don't leave me, kai." i sobbed into his chest. he rested his chin on top of my head. "please.."

"i need to, y/n. i'm only gonna hurt you."

"you could never hurt me, malachai," i said, pulling away from him. his arms dropped to his sides and he squeezed his eyes shut.

"that's much better," he said with a smirk. i looked at him with a puzzled expression on my face. "leave in the next ten seconds or you'll regret it."

only then did i realize that he turned off his humanity. "kai- did you.." i stuttered.

"10... 9... 8..." i slowly walked away, staring at him like he was a total stranger. "hurry, y/n," he said, picking up a vase and missing my head by just an inch. "7... 6... 5... 4..." speeding out, i never turned around.

and kai was out of my life.

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