no humanity // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

no humanity kai and just plain and regular sociopath kai are not much different. i think i, and everyone else, still preferred regular kai, though, for the fact that he used his one ounce of emotions on me. at least whilst he still had his humanity, he cared for me, even loved me, in his own, twisted way.

that means nothing, now, seeing as kai has turned it all off. that means not only does he not give a damn about anyone, me included, and is 10x more murderous than before. god help whoever was to even dare stand in his way.

i tried for weeks upon weeks to try and pull him back. i've been in a place so dark that i once turned it off, too. and nobody knows that it's just a way to put aside your feelings better than me. once it all comes rolling back, it hits you harder than before, a pain so unbearable that you can hardly even live with yourself.

but kai was there. he's been there since the moment that i lost my mother, more than anyone else has been. he helped me get my humanity back, stop me from going on a rampage. he never gave up on me, no matter how stupid, annoying and selfish no humanity me was. i'd be damned if i were to give up on him.

everyone else has, though. damon was the first one to do so, neither of us were actually surprised. that's what he does, give up. he tried to kill kai instead, which obviously didn't end well and resulted in kai nearly ripping damon's heart out. the near death experience kept stefan, caroline and elena from trying to help kai any longer. bonnie was only here for moral support and matt just didn't want anymore innocent people dying.

of course we've already tried starving him, he literally would rather dry out than turn his humanity back on. getting into his head was no use, either. he knew it was all fake, and quite frankly, he was unfazed by the whole thing, anyway.

i've tried everything. as much as i wanted to give up, i couldn't. you don't give up on the people you love, i learned that from elena and the messes she gets herself into with the salvatore brothers.

as much as i avoided this option, it was the last one. knowing damon, he was truly going to enjoy this. stefan, on the contrary. me? not so much. the good old tourture method, even worse than being deprived of a sip of human blood.

i was keeping kai in the house with me, and thank god he wasn't completely gone or i would've been bored as hell alone with him. luckily, he still knew how to have fun...

damon and stefan were to come in, elena and caroline knocking him out with some vervain. matt had some wooden bullets for backup and bonnie put a spell on the house to keep everyone trapped in, except for matt.

kai woke up, his arms and legs tied together whilst his torso was tied to the chair. "don't even think about using your magic to get you out, i put a spell on the house." bonnie scolded.

kai let out a laugh, "oh, are you trying to punish me? cause that's kinda hot." he said with a smirk and everyone either gagged or rolled their eyes. "thanks for the heads up, bon-bon. it'll take me, what, 5 seconds to get out of this chair and another 5 to undo the spell?" he said.

stefan and damon were each holding wooden stakes, elena and caroline were each holding vervain syringes. bonnie held a tank of gasoline, the word, "incendia," practically on the tip of her tongue, inching to get out and finally set him on fire.

"alright, fine. have your way with me," kai finally said. "just know, there's nothing you can do to get me to turn it back on."

"we'll see about that," damon said, pulling the curtain back to let the sun in, it immediately burning kai's skin. i winced at the sound of him in pain, feeling ultimately bad for him already. and the fun had just begun.

2 days later

it's been two days and we've made absolutely no progress. i sat across from kai on the couch, drinking some blood. "want some?" i teased and he groaned in frustration. i continued to sip some more then i sighed, giving him the rest of my drink. i had to hold the cup for him. i watched as he devoured every last drop, the veins appearing under his eyes. "happy?" i asked as he licked the blood that was on his lips.

he mumbled a thank you and before i could speak, i felt myself losing air. the glass immediately fell and shattered as i struggled to get out of whoevers grasp. i turned to see who was putting me in a chokehold, and, of course, it was none other than damon salvatore.

stefan sped up to me, stake in his hand. "killing me already?" i heard kai say. "it's only been two days! thought you guys would keep me company for a little longer."

"this isn't for you, kai," stefan said, "but we do have an extra stake in the back." kai looked confused and i continued to try and get out of damon's arms. i do not remember this being apart of the plan.

stefan looked me deep in the eyes as i choked, crying out for help. "i'm so sorry, y/n." he whispered, very slowly putting the stake into my chest, it aimed right at my heart.

"you're bluffing," kai said. stefan moved the stake a little to the left so that he would miss my heart. i let out a scream with the little air i had left in me. damon let go of me, seeing as i was too weak to even try and fight back. my body fell to the floor, right at kai's feet.

my arms felt heavy, too heavy for me to pull the stake out of my chest. i could still feel pieces of wood stuck in my body.

"kai.." i whispered, then splinters making my body hurt even more. damon groaned and pulled the stake out of me, then put it right infront of my heart once again.

"stefan didn't kill her, but i will," damon said to kai and kai only rolled his eyes.

damon began pushing the stake into my chest, i could feel it just outside of my heart. "kai!" i yelped, but damon didn't stop. my body began to gray, starting at my legs, the colour washing away from the bottom up.

nearly the whole perfectly carved stake was in my chest. i was gasping for air, not even resisting anymore. the last thing i saw was kai, staring at me, no emotions on his face.

"alright that's enough!" kai yelled, breaking out of his ties and rushing over to me, pushing damon away instantly. my neck was gray, and the colour drained from my fave rapidly.

he yanked the stake from my chest, throwing it far away from us. he gently stroked my face, the colour thankfully returning. if kai had waited a second longer, i would've been gone.

"y/n?" he cried, tear falling down his face. he's back, i know he is.

"kai," i said weakly, and he held me tightly, almost as if he planned on never letting me go.

alternative ending for people who like reading sad things :)

"i'm here, baby. i'm here." he whispered, rocking me.

my body was still in pain, there were still splinters all over me. "i love you kai-" i began to say, but was cut off.

everyone gasped as kai parker held y/n's heart in his hand, her eyes open in shock. kai closed them, a smirk on his face.

"how funny is it that she thought i saved her, but i actually murdered her! wait, is that funny or sad? i get my emotions mixed up.." he stood up, letting y/n's body roll onto the floor.

kai walked over to damon, dropping her heart into his hands. "whoops." he said, doing a spell to get him out of the house.

"he's gone." stefan said. "and so is she."

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