dare pt. 2 // kai parker

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kai's p.o.v.

y/n is a fun person when she's warmed up to you. she's fun to joke with, and to my surprise, she's actually pretty sarcastic, which is definitely a plus.

talking to her today was—i hate to admit it—fun. i never imagined y/n and i getting along. she's not the type of person that i thought she was, and somehow, she saw past all of the horrible things i'd done and accepted me as a friend.

i don't know what came over me, but every single part of me needed to save her today. and as tempting as it was since i hadn't yet learned how to control the blood lust, i saved her. because seeing her in pain was horrifying and it's something i never want to think about every again.

your p.o.v.

kai offered to walk me home after the accident. as much as kai seemed to be unfazed by everything, if i didn't know any better i would've thought he cared for me, and was worried.

he held an arm tightly around my waist as we walked, which i didn't at all mind. i know he's a sociopath and all, but with his arm around me, i felt a sense of comfort.

"thank you," i said when we reached my doorstep. he nodded and i opened the door to my place. "would you like some water?" i asked as i headed down the hallway, leaving the door open for him.

when i realized he wasn't behind me, i turned to see him standing awkwardly on the porch. "sorry," i laughed. "you can come in."

he smiled, sticking a leg through the door just to be sure, then walked inside. i handed him some water, drinking my own. "do you think we could hangout sometime?" he said abruptly, and i almost choked.

"like a date?" i said with a teasing smile, and he smiled back. (the snack that smiles back gold fish:)

"if that's okay with you." i set my glass down on the table and nodded.

"text me the details," i said, kissing him on the cheek. "thank you for saving me today."

when kai left, i squealed in excitement. i ran to my phone, instantly texting the groupchat that i have with my best friends.

they responded, worried due to his sociopathic tendencies, but nonetheless, excited for me. glad to see you happy, bonnie responded and i smiled, receving a few texts from kai, telling me he'd pick me up at 7.

it was only one, so i figured i had enough time to quickly go to the mall. as i walked to the driveway, a somebody ran up to me. the speed was way to fast to be a human.

"hi, can i help you?" i asked nervously, seeing the veins appear in his eyes. i tried to make a run for it, but he held me in place, sinking his fangs into my neck.

i screamed for help, or at least i think i did. he was draining me, and i was no longer aware of my surroundings. no longer did i have the strength to stand up on my own, so when the man was pulled away from me, i collapsed to the ground, blacking out.

i woke up in my own bed, feeling hungrier than usual. "kai?" i said, rubbing my eyes to make sure i was seeing clearly.

his face showed panic, worry and fear. "how do you feel? are you okay?"

i slightly nodded my head a bit. "what happened? how are you hear?"

"i.. i was just walking home, and i heard you scream- i didn't know what was happening to i sped back here and i saw a vampire feeding on you. y/n, it was too late for me to save you, but you had my blood in your system. do you remember?"

everything came rushing back to me, and it felt like my whole world stopped. i felt like the walls were closing in on me and i couldn't breathe. "i'm a.." i started, not even being able to get the last word out. it would all seem too real if i did.

"i'm so sorry..." he whispered, and i cried. he made his way over to my bed and hugged me close to his chest. once i calmed down, he talked again. "stay here, okay? i'm gonna get some blood bags for you. don't move."

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