bright // kai parker

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imagine: no humanity stefan and caroline threatening to kill you, but kai comes to rescue you.

your p.o.v.

"okay, so i flip this coin. heads, all of you die, tails, only y/n dies." i furrowed my eyebrows, looking at her.

"care, you can't be serious. i'm your best friend, we've known each other since we were kids i mean-"

"zip it." she said, grabbing a dime from her pocket. "alright," she said, tossing the coin into the air. i looked at stefan for help, but he only watched in amusement.

tyler, matt and i (the only mortal ones in the room) for once, feared caroline. the sweet, loving caroline forbes was now standing here, in front of us, flipping a coin to decide our fate. fantastic.

"heads!" she yelled excitedly, clapping her hands. "although, i think i might just kill you, y/n. it'll be more amusing watching your friends try and save you, anyway."

stefan took a swig out of his drink as caroline ripped one of the legs off of the chairs. she tossed it up and down, twirling it in her hand.

"i'd love to do the honours, but, i am nice," she said with sarcasm and i rolled my eyes. "so, stefan. would you like to do it?"

"as much as i want to, i think this one's on you."

"i was hoping you'd say that!"

caroline made her way over to me, weapon in hand. of course, it wouldn't be hard to kill me. i'm human. one stab with the stake and i'll be dead within minutes.

"take me instead!" tyler said, getting in front of me. "thanks, but i'll pass." she effortlessly threw him out of the way whilst stefan had matt in a chokehold.

"any last words?" she asked as i gulped. i couldn't even let out the slightest amount of noise before she stabbed me. i clutched my stomach, falling onto the floor.

"y/n!" matt gasped for air as i laid on the floor. all i thought about was kai. "tel- tell.. kai.." i tried to say, before the doors were flown open.

damon walked in and i had to squnt to see who was near him. was that damon as an older woman? i couldn't tell. everything was getting brighter...

brighter. it was blinding.

"y/n!! no!" a voice snapped me out of the trance, and though the lights still remained bright, it wasn't as blinding as before.

"kai?" i questioned, looking around for any familiar faces. "is that you?"

"it's me, baby. i'm here," he carefully stroked my face as he fingers grazed over my wound. "damon! get over here!" he yelled. i saw the damon look-alike make her way over to stefan whilst caroline made a run for it.

"damon, help!" kai cried out. "she's dying!" the bright lights were coming again. my headache was growing.

"this is gonna hurt. i'm sorry, y/n." i felt kai squeeze my hand, before i felt pain like no other. the stake had been ripped from my stomach and i screamed in pain.

"itl be over soon, okay? just please stay with me, y/n."

"i love you kai."

"i love you too, y/n, but i want to hear those words over and over again, alright? this isn't going to be the last time."

damon brought his wrist to my lips and i tried to get the blood in my system. everything was just too..


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