prison world // kai parker (pt.1)

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your p.o.v.

the other side has been falling apart for weeks now. i've lost more people than i could count, kol, lexi, i even made good friends with bonnie. still, for most of them, i saw them all get sucked into oblivion, no hope for ever seeing them again.

the wind was blowing and i ran around like a maniac, trying my best to avoid it all. i knew that sooner or later i'd end up just like the rest of them, but i'd like to hold on for as along as possible.

"damon?!" i yelled, trying to stable myself and keep from blowing away in the wind. "what are you doing here?!" i got details from everyone else, so i knew all about bonnie's little plan to bring everyone back from the dead.

"there's a little problem with that plan," he said, less sarcasm than normal. bonnie grabbed damon's hand and i grabbed hers. well, at least when i die, i won't be alone.

"i know there's a million other people we'd rather be with," bonnie said, taking a gulp.

"couple thousand, at most.." damon said. i gripped bonnie's hand tightly as the void of black seemed to get closer and closer.

"do you think it'll hurt?" bonnie asked and i took in a deep breath. before either of us could get in another word, we were gone. almost like we, and everyone else who was on the other side; vanished.

we opened our eyes when suddenly, everthing was bright. we all looked at each other, quickly letting go of one anothers hand.

everything looked exactly the same, except everyone was gone. "elena?? stefan?" damon called out, and i felt so out-of-place here. they all had history, as far as i could tell. bonnie and i shared a few conversations, not enough for it to feel less awkward.

"we're.. in mystic falls?" i said, confused. bonnie and damon continued to look around.

"all the cars are gone, there's no trace of our friends." bonnie pointed out, and i looked around, my eyes widening.

"my moms grave.. it's gone.." i said, a big, green patch of grass taking it's place. "where the hell are we?"

"probably in hell," damon said, walking away. i quickly got up and begun to follow him, bonnie trailing behind us, amused by everything she saw. on the way to the salvatore mansion, we picked up a newspaper from someone's lawn.

"sorry!" i yelled to whoevers newspaper we were stealing. i read it aloud as we walked. "tuesday.." i said, furrowing my eyebrows, squinting to make sure i was reading this correctly. "1994." damon snatched the paper from my hands.

"what?!" he yelled, stopping in his tracks. "that's impossible," he angrily threw the paper down and bonnie rolled her eyes as she went to get it.

"why 1994.." i whispered, trying to think to whatever happened during this time. nothing came to mind; my humanities only been off one time, and even then it was only for a week. i don't think i must've done anything so bad that this was my own personal hell..

4 months later

bonnie, damon and i have been trapped here for 4 months. bonnie is my best friend, and i guess so is damon. him and i have a love-hate relationship. we often kill one another since we're vampires and can heal easily, think of it as our way of showing our love and gratitude.

"will you guys please stop for two seconds and get some more food? we're almost out," bonnie said, annoyance in her tone. i dropped the knife i had in my hands and damon stepped away from me.

"truce," i said, shaking his hand.

"you guys are so weird," bonnie sneered, tapping her pencil on the table.

i took a peak at the crossword puzzle she's been doing for a while. "yellow ledbetter," i said. "great job, bonnie."

she looked confused. "what?" she said.

"i would've never guessed that on my one," i continued, and bonnie continued to look puzzled. damon came over, looking at the puzzle as well.

"did you fill it in, damon?" she asked, looking at him. he raised an eyebrow, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"she's going bonkers," damon said, and bonnie smacked him.

"i didn't fill it in," she said, and i instantly began to have hope. i've lost it 4 months ago. "someone's here."


all three of us decided to go to the grocery store together, grabbing everything we needed. "we need syrup- damon, you bought bourbon last week, why's it on here again?" i said, grabbing some milk from the fridge and placing it in the cart.

"i already ran out," he said with a shrug, walking off to the alcohol isle.

bonnie and i continued to check off the items on our list. "got the syrup and ketchup," she said. "do you need some snacks?"

"desperately. haven't had a fresh one in ages," i joked. she looked at me. "kidding!" i said. "jokes? humour? nevermind," i said, grabbing a chocolate bar.

i continued to walk down, then stopped when i realized bonnie wasn't behind me. "bonnie?" i called out, turning the cart around. she was staring at something on the shelf. "bon, it hasn't changed since we got here, you're not gonna find any cool ranch doritos-"

"all the pork rinds are gone." she said, gulping.

"wow, end of the world." i said with a laugh. "bon, it's fine, there's another grocery store ten minutes-"

"no, they were just here!" she said.

"i didn't know humans had such a deep love for chips.." i said. it wasn't until i heard a new voice that i became alerted. i rushed to the liquor isle and found damon there, the end of a wooden broom in his chest.

"damon!" i yelled as it was shoved deeper and deeper into him by a man i've never seen before, but, god was he attractive. i guess we aren't alone, after all...

i sped to him, only to have kai throw a wooden stake into my stomach, thankfully missing my heart.

"incendia!" bonnie yelled, lighting the place on fire. the man (or boy) pulled the broom out of damon's chest and stake out of my stomach. i was trying to catch my breath when he offered his hand to help me up.

i declined, standing up on my own, as painfull as it was. "i'm kai." he said, putting his hands in his pockets. "and you're y/n. you're definitely prettier up close."

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