you're a witch?! // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i put on a light dab of perfume as i looked into the mirror one last time. my hair looked good, my lips were moisturized and i had some lip gloss on, my breath was minty fresh (in case kai had any ideas that involved two lips connecting with one another), i was ready for my third date with the kai parker.

i was to meet with him at mystic grill (aka the grill), a restaurant/bar in mystic falls. i've only been to mystic falls once, to visit my aunt. kai and i met at whitmore.

as i got in my car to drive to meet kai, i kept trying to calm my nerves. you'd think i'd be a little used to kai and all of his glory, but nope. my heartbeat still fastens whenever i see him, his smile, his ocean blue eyes, or even the sound of his laugh. just his name alone can make my heart beat 10x faster.

i finally made it, two minutes early. i sat at a table and ordered myself a sweet tea as i waited. kai came exactly at 3:30, our time to meet.

"kai," i said with a smile, getting up to hug him. we were taking things extremely slow, considering things didn't exactly end well with my last boyfriend.

"y/n." he wrapped his arms around me happily, and we went to go sit down. the waitress asked what he wanted to drink, and he ordered a pepsi.

"how's whitmore? miss me there?" he teased. kai has himself enrolled at whitmore for a good two days, for reasons i don't think he'll ever tell me. even so, those were the best two days i've ever spent at college. we walked around campus together, ate together, all in just two days of knowing one another. him and i instantly clicked, becoming great friends.

of course, he dropped out, but luckily he decided to keep in touch with me, which leads us to today.

"you bet. remember jenifer? she-" i began saying, but kai didn't seem like he was paying attention. i followed his gaze to a brunette girl behind me. for some reason, i was instantly jealous.

"kai?!" the girl said, though she didn't sound too excited to see him.

i took another glance at the girl who stood behind us, and i recognized her from somewhere. "she goes to whitmore, doesn't she?" i said aloud, wondering why she was here.

kai completely ignored what i just said. "elena? what are you doing here?" he asked.

"i could ask you the same thing." she furrowed her eyebrows angrily.

"why is she..." i said, cutting myself off, letting my words disappear into the air. an ex-girlfriend maybe. a girlfriend whom he's on bad terms with at the moment? i decided that it was not my place to be here and listen to their personal business.

"i'm gonna go.." i said awkwardly, grabbing my purse. i'm sure kai could afford to pay for the two drinks we ordered.

"wait- y/n!" he immediately began chasing after me. "wait up!"

when i reached my car door, instead of dramatically hopping inside and driving away like they normally do in movies, i turned to face him. "yes?" i said impatiently.

"i'm sorry she's just-"

"a girlfriend? an ex? kai, it's fine, you should talk to her." i said, waving him away.

"wait- elena?! what, no! she's not my- not even close. it's a.. long story."

"it's okay, kai. you can deal with it, text me, okay?"

kai placed both hands on either sides of my arms, and suddenly, i felt like passing out. it felt like all of my energy was being sucked out of me. kai only closed his eyes.

my body began to fall, but kai caught me. i opened my eyes, confused as hell as to what just happened. "you're a witch?!" kai yelled, way too loudly, a group of people gave us weird looks.

"would you shut up?" i said, annoyed. "what just happened?" i tried to regain my balance, which only left me falling into kai's arms again.

"you.. i.." kai stuttered, shock written all over his face.

i felt weak, so, so weak. "incendia!" i said as a practice, shocked when nothing happened. "what- what did you do?!" i yelled, shooting up even though it made me dizzy.

"i didn't know you were a witch, i wouldn't have-"

"what did you do?" i repeated my question. kai sighed.

"i may or may not have, in simple terms, sucked the power out of you."

"you WHAT?!" i said.


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