dare // kai parker

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i think this might be a 3-5 part series !

kai's p.o.v.

damon, stefan and i all sat near the fireplace of their huge mansion and drank damon's whole supply of bourbon, which he only bought two days ago.

since drinking was damon's thing, he had a higher tolerance. stefan and i, not so much. i'm sure many embarrassing videos and phots were being taken that i wouldn't remember tomorrow morning.

"dare!" i said, a shot in each hand. we were playing  truth or dare, but if you refused yours, you had to take two shots.

"i dare you to.. go on a date with y/n," damon said with a laugh. i scoffed. y/n? i only knew that she was a friend of elena, care and bonnie. they had met on campus and became surprisingly good friends with her. so close that she knows about the supernatual world and swore she'd take that secret to the grave.

i've only ever met her once, at a party with all of our mutual friends. i'll admit, she's pretty, but she's so awkward. i tried introducing myself but she just stood there, not knowing what to do with herself. her and i would never work out.

but, a dares a dare.

"done," i said, putting the shots down.

stefan scoffed, "you know, to go on a date with someone, the other person has to agree. you can't just kidnap her."

i rolled my eyes. "what makes you think she'll he able to resist all of this?" i said, referring to myself.

the next morning

"rise and shine, sleepy head! you've got a big date tonight!" damon said, repeatedly smacking a newspaper on my head.

i put a pillow over my face to try and shield myself, but then i felt something get pushed into the pillow, nearly piercing through it and touching my face.

jolting up, i turned the fuzzy pillow over, seeing a knife in it. "what the hell?!" i yelled, and damon just shrugged, making his way to stefan's room. i groaned and made myself breakfast, grabbing a blood bag from downstairs.

"no need to eat, i arranged a breakfast at the grill. y/n's invited," damon said with a smirk, and i suddenly remembered my agreement to this.

god, i should've just taken those shots. it wouldn't have made me feel any worse right now. somehow, i dragged myself up the stairs to my room where i've been staying ever since i got our of the prison world.

i pulled on some black jeans, a black shirt and my favourite black jacket. i quickly combed my hair and applied some gel, brushed my teeth, then sprayed on some colonge, scrunching my nose at the powerful smell.

i grabbed everything i needed. my phone, my wallet, keys and headphones. making my way downstairs, the two brothers eyed me up and down.

"nice date attire," damon said. "if you were taking her to a funeral."

"if it's boring, we might be attending hers," i joked, but i don't think they liked it too much. they rolled their eyes and we all headed into the car.

"knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door... sing it with me now!" i sung, damon taping his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel and stefan looking out the window as if he was in a movie.

your p.o.v.

i pulled on my cardigan and some jeans, sprayed on perfume and grabbed my purse. "you look amazing!" caroline gushed. "kai will love it."

laughing, i replied, "what makes you think this is for kai?"

she shook her head at me. "i see the way you two look at each other. it's so cute! we could have a quadruple date! me and stefan, damon and elena, bonnie and enzo, you and kai!"

i just chuckled at my friends excitement, brushed through my hair and tucked it behind my ears, then followed them out to the car.

we arrived at the grill in no time, whitemore's not too far from here. i already saw damon's infamous car in the parking lot, so i knew they were already inside waiting for us.

i stayed close to my friends, i'm not too familiar with these guys, if i'm being honest. enzo's the closest guy that i have to a friend in this group, but of course, he's not here right now.

"hey," damon said, giving elena a peck on the lips. caroline went to greet stefan and i just smiled at my two friends, being happy as ever for them.

bonnie and i stayed near each other since everyone else sat next to their significant other. i was sitting across from kai, reading the menu, trying to keep my heartbeat at a steady pace as i felt someone's stare on me.

luckily, they turned away from me when the waitress arrived. we ordered our drinks and some appetizers, and it seemed as if everyone resumed conversation except for me.

"y/n, right?" kai asked, and i glaced up, ignoring the slight pain in my heart at him not even knowing my name.

"yep," i replied, looking down. his eyes were too perfect, i felt intimated just by staring into them. "what's it like being back? have you been asjusting well?"

god, i hate small talk. but i guess kai loves to talk in general, as he went on a whole rant about how he misses the 90's. i laughed, commenting on the interesting parts, being shocked at the questioning parts of his story.

he was so easy to talk to, i forgot we were with our friends. when our brunch was over, i finally got kai's number. instead of getting back in the car with my friends, kai asked me if i wanted to walk around mystic falls, like a date, almost. of course i said yes.

subtly, he grabbed my hand, but i didn't pull away. i laughed at a horrible joke that he made, when he tugged on my arm, hard. a car just barely missed me, crashing into the pole that i once stood in front of.

the hard tug caused me to fall onto the ground made of concrete, hitting my head hard. my head was pounding, and i winced, laying there because moving even the slightest hurt like hell.

i squeezed my eyes shut, the sun blinding me. kai rushed to my side, sitting me up as i screamed in pain. tears fell from my eyes and i held my head, feeling the blood cover my hand.

"hey, hey. it's okay. stay calm, okay? i'll fix this, don't worry," he said, biting his wrist and feeding me his blood. i drank it, thankfully feeling the wound begin to heal.

"thank you.." i whispered, still in shock.

"hell of a first date, huh?" kai chuckled.

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