salvatore sister // kai parker (requested)

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requested!! hi!! tysm:))))))

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requested!! hi!! tysm:))))))

background information: you're the salvatore brothers' half sister. your father was a werewolf but left a few years after you were born. after klaus lifted the curse, he turned you into one of his hybrids, making you half vampire and half werewolf.

also, for the sake of this story, kai never put the spell on elena and bonnie:>.

your p.o.v.

i gently curled elena's hair, making sure i didn't accidentally burn her or anything. she laughed. "you don't have to be so gentle, y/n."

"you're human. no more using vampire blood to heal. i'm not taking my chances," i replied back, taking over two hours to curl her hair whereas it only took me about thirty minutes to do mine alone.

we helped jo get ready, fixing up her hair and such. elena, caroline, bonnie and i nearly cried at the sight of her, the ceremony hadn't even started yet.

my phone rang with a text from kai. five minutes until the ceremony was about to begin, so i decided to pass time my texting him.

i wish i could be there.
i be you look gorgeous:).

i grinned to myself, trying to hide the smile on my face. him and i texted back and forth before i silenced my phone, walking down the aisle.

of course it was a beautiful ceremony, since it was mostly decorated by caroline. she choss everything and then made sure it was all in place. she did an amazing job.

for a split second, i noticed my brother, damon and elena staring at each other. i really wished kai were here, but it's amazing seeing them two so happy.

just as jo was about to say her vows, she choked. startled, i looked up, seeing a red stain spreadng across her beauitful dress.

i locked eyes with damon who was just as worried as me. i was about to rush toward jo, not even caring since most people here are supernatural anyway, before kai uncloaked himself and appeared with a knife in his hands.

"missed me??" he said with a smirk. my mouth fell open as i tried to rush to jo. he grabbed my wrist. "leave, now," he said, and used his magic to push me away.

of course i didn't obey. i tried once again to get to jo and alaric, but kai used his magic to make a ringing sound appear in our ears. it wasn't just the sound, it felt like it was eating at my brain.

kai, with the flick of his wrist, made all of the windows shatter and some people came flying forward.

i couldn't even speak as the blood began rushing out of my nose and the glass stabbed me in the back. kai picked up one of the glass shards for himself, and happily, stabbed himself in the neck. "kai!!!" i yelled, rushing over him despite the pain in my legs.

i tried giving him some of my blood, but it wasn't working. the rest of the coven began to fall around us, kai taking them down with him.

quickly, i rushed to alaric and jo, who were hidden in the corner of the venue. i hugged ric, trying my best to comfort him, but he snapped. "you, stay away from me!! go back to kai, or however, but stay the hell away from me."

"let me help," i whispered as he shuddered. i gently took jo in my arms, wiping the blood from her face. i knew it was pointless, but i tried giving her some of my blood, too.

my tears fell into her face as alaric no longer yelled at me to get away. "i'm so sorry, jo. and the twins, i'm sorry." i squeezed her hand before laying her down gently once again.

i rushed to stefan and damon, making sure they were okay. damon paid absolutely no mind to me and instead focused on elena. stefan cried as we hugged each other, but broke apart almost immediately as we heard footsteps.


he's awake. the veins beneath his eyes grew dark as his fangs released themselves. his father was fighting for his life, and kai came over to him and tasted his blood.

i shivered in fear as kai caught sight of me. his face softened for just a second before turning to anger. "i told you to leave."

damon quickly broke a leg off of a chair and rushed over to kai. "damon, stop!!!" i yelled, rushing over as well.

i sped over to them as well, trying to get in between them. "damon, please."

the look in kai's eyes turned to regret, hurt and sadness. "don't. i'll- we'll run away. you'll never hear from us again, but please spare him."

"damon. think of all the people he's hurt. you can't seriously think that letting him walk on this earth is a good idea." that was elena's voice. stefan and caroline stayed quiet.

"what the hell, damon! we'll get away from you for good, please."

damon locked eyes with elena and tightened his grip around the stake. i held onto kai with my life, crying and begging for damon to just let him go.

i understood it clearly then. it didn't matter what kai had done, he'd do anything for elena. whatever she said, he'd comply. it doesn't matter that i'm his sister, he'd treat stefan the same way.

"DAMON!!" i yelled as he plunged the stake through kai's heart.

alternative ending

damon apologized to elena for what he was about to do. he then threw kai onto the ground, threatening him. "leave. never come back. god forbid, next time i see you, i will kill you."

i rushed to kai's side. once he had recovered, i smacked him across the face. "what the fuck is wrong with you?" i sobbed as he rubbed his cheek. you promised me you were going to change. you promised. look what you did."

at first i didn't even want him near me. of course i wanted him to live, but being in love with him once again was something completely different.

"i'm sorry," he whispered as i sobbed. eventually, i gave in and let him hold my shaking body.

"jo... the twins. the coven. they're dead, kai."

"please, just let me hold you." i didn't stop shaking for another twenty minutes. my mind was racing with thoughts and i was covered in shame, guilt and panic.

"what are we gonna do, kai. i- your family.. i lost everyone.." i stuttered as he stroked my back. "i can't forgive you for this. ever. and now we're... i have to leave my home, malachai. what have you done?"

his hands were shaking as he ran them up and down my back, the only way he knew would help me calm down.

"i know, baby. i'm sorry, i'll never forgive myself for this."

a/n: hey i hate this its a mess lol how are you

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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