cheater // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

i was dressed in a knee length, light blue dress that reminded me of cinderella. i did my last touch-ups on my hair when i felt two muscular arms being wrapped around my waist. "you look gorgeous, my love." kai whispered.

i giggled, turning my head around to face him. "you look handsome." i said as he tried to kiss me on the lips. i turned my head so his lips landed on my cheeks. he frowned, "i just put on lipstick." i saw, always upset but i didn't want to mess it up.

he planted a few kisses on my neck, i practically had to pry him off of me. "save it for later. it'll be worth the wait." i walked away out to our ride which was waiting for us, swaying my hips in the process.

kai had a very interestingly heated car ride to the party. "aaron!" i said eagerly, arriving at his doorstep.

"hey, y/n! kai." he said with a smile, a red solo cup in his hand. i tried to stick my foot through the door, but i couldn't get in. kai and i awkwardly exchanged looks and i cleared my throat. "what are you guys waiting for? come in?" aaron whitmore said, thankfully inviting us in and saving us from all this trouble and a long stir of explanations.

we walked in, loud music erupting from every single speaker in the house. "what a party this is." someone with green eyes, brown hair and a bright smile said to us. i immediately recognized her as kaitlyn, a girl from campus. i hardly ever saw her, just occasional sightings in the library.

kai laughed, taking a sip from his drink. "kaitlyn, right?" i asked her, trying to make conversation. she only nodded, then turned her attention back to kai.

"if you want something other than cheap beer, i know just where to find it. come on." she motioned for him to follow, and as i was about to trail behind them, elena tapped me on the shoulder, nearly making me spill my drink everywhere.

"JESUS!" i yelled, getting a grip of myself. i tried to look for any sign of kai, but he had just disappeared into the crowd of dancing bodies.

"sorry," elena laughed. "what have you been up to?"

i figured that since kai was gone and i had literally no one else to talk to, a conversation with elena, one of my old best friends, didn't seem so bad. it would be a lot less tense if she and everyone else hadn't tried to keep kai in the prison world, though.

to my rescue, caroline and bonnie appeared, and i engulfed each of them into a hug. i truly did miss them as friends, ever since kai got out and we began dating, i never got to see them often, for the mere fact that they did encounter once again, kai would rip bonnie's head off and hand it on his ceiling, chop elena into a million pieces and feed it to kai and caroline.. she's not on his bad side. yet.

we all talked for a while, and, wow, i guess time really does fly, because our conversation lasted so long that it was nearly 11pm. kai said we'd be back home around 10:30. i said goodbye to all of the girls and began my search for my boyfriend, who i assume by now is probably drunk and slurring all of his words.

i looked all around, the living room, the kitchen, the office, even. i tapped damon on the shoulder. "hey, have you seen kai?" i asked, and he turned around.

"my girlfriend's favorite person who's dating my least favorite person!" he said, fake cherrily. "no, i have not seen that pork rind-munching freak." i rolled my eyes and began compelling people for answers, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

finally, someone said that she had seen him, along with a girl that was described to look like kaitlyn, head up the stairs. i was confused, but went up anyway. i thought wherever the "secret drinks" were, they'd be downstairs.

i began opening some doors, accidentally walking in on two people having sex in the guest bedrooms of the mansion. i closed the door immediately, until i heard a moan in particular that sounded so familiar.

not trying to make myself seem like i creep, i peaked my head in, seeing kai with kaitlyn beneath him, the sheets covering the lower halves of their bodies, but i could only assume that they were both naked.

"MALACHAI!" i yelled, and he shot up instantly, putting the covers over the both of them. i only used his real name and i was extremely angry, but anger was an understatement for my emotions right now.

i picked up his clothes which they have scattered all over the room and threw them at him, waiting outside of the door for him to be done changing.

i tried to let my anger be stronger than my pain and sadness, but i failed. as much as i hated crying and giving kai the satisfaction of knowing he did this to me, i couldn't stop the tears that sped down my red cheeks, ruining the makeup i spent hours on.

the door to the bedroom they had been in finally opened, and i took one look at kai. messy hair, swollen lips, dark blue eyes that were slowly showing his guilt, what i could only assume are hickeys on his neck.

i shook my head in disgust, the smell of sex raidiating off of his body. i began walking out, knowing he would follow behind me.

"y/n, wait!" he called out, and i didn't pay any attention until we were out of the house, away from eyes and away from the possibility of drawing attention to ourselves. "please, let me explain."

my hands were almost shaking, but i was able to steady them enough to slap kai across his beautiful little face. god, i hate that i love him so much. when ever after he hurt me worse than anyone could ever physically hurt me, i still cared for him more than i cared for myself.

"i deserved that," he whispered.

"you deserve a lot more than that," i said angrily, but i told myself to walk away, he's not worth your tears, not worth the effort it took to pull him out of that hell he was trapped in. but instead, i only lifted my head up, his eyes now staring into mine. "did you only use me to get yourself out of the prison world?" i asked. this question crossed my mind so often, but i never let myself believe that kai would ever do such a thing.

he hesitated, "no- no, i would never do that to you."

"you hesitated," i stated.


i nodded, taking off the necklace he once gave me. i walked off, and a huge part of me wanted him to chase after me, tell me that it was a mistake. i wanted him to prove that he never used me, that he loves me

but he never even moved.

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