losing you || kai parker

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your p.o.v.

"stop! please stop, damon!! elena, please don't do this.." i cried. bonnie, damon and elena were all holding hands, and they quickly grabbed onto me so that i could be taken back to the regular world with them.

i tried to get out of bonnie's tight grasp, but it was as if i couldn't move. my whole body seemed to be moving in slow motion. kai cried, begging for us to take him.

"i'm sorry, bonnie!! please don't leave me here!!" kai cried, practically crawling over to us since bonnie stabbed him a few times.

the light became blinding as we were now transported to the regular world, a world without kai. i wanted to scream and punch everything, but i could hardly get my hand in the air. it moved so slowly that it was no used. i dropped to my knees, crying out for kai.

"y/n??" i heard off in the distance. it couldn't be. kai got trapped in the prison world. i was then violently shaken until i was face with the darkness of kai and i's bedroom, sweat dripping down my face.

"baby.. shh.." he said, holding me as i let out a sob, though sighing in relief that it was all just a dream. i couldn't bear to live without kai, especially knowing that he's alive, but we could never see each other again.

"kai?" i said, and he shushed me once more. i sat up and he reached over to turn the bedside lamp on.

"it was just a dream, baby. it's okay." he sat up too, holding me tightly and wiping my tears with his thumb. "do you want to talk about it? you don't have to, it's okay. you're okay, i promise."

my crying had died down a bit and i let myself loosen up, feeling the comfort in kai's arms. i'm here with kai and that's all that matters. i hesitated a bit before answering his question.

"bonnie trapped you in a prison world," i choked out. "and i couldn't save you." silence fell upon us both and i almost thought he had fallen asleep.

"i wish i could assure you that would never happen.." he said, chuckling slightly. i shook my head, turning to face him.

"i can protect you," i said with a slight smile, and he grinned at me.

"that's cute, y/n," he joked and i rolled my eyes. "i'm here, okay? are you okay?"

"yes," i whispered. "thank you, malachai. i love you." he reached over to turn off the light and i laid back down, resting my head on kai's chest as he ran his hand up and down my back.

i drew random shapes onto kai's bare torso, nothing but the sounds of our breathing filling up the room.

"you know, i'd probably tear your neck off if you weren't so damn cute for calling me malachai," he said. i knew he probably wasn't joking.

"i love you too, kai. goodnight."

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