my fault || kai parker

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your p.o.v.

my head was pounding as i finally regained consciousness, only to find myself tied to a chair. i barelt made an effort to get up, more shocked and horrified at the pool of blood around me. there were scars and bruises all over my arms, and i prayed that it wasn't my own, but it most likely is.

"HELP!!!!" i yelled, trying to move my arms.

"oh goodie, you're awake," a voice said, and my head snapped up at the sight of damon salvatore, along with alaric saltzman.

"ric.. damon? what are you doing?"

damon approached me, putting a hand on my face, stroking my cheek in a creepy way that made me uncomfortably shift.

"you do understand that your little boyfriend is the reason why ric's pregnant girlfriend is dead.. right? and my girlfriend is in a magical coma be ause of him," he cooed and i sobbed. damon wiped away my tears giving me a devilish smirk.

"leave kai alone!" i yelled and damon whistled.

"you see, we can't do that. alaric here has the honours, and, unfortunately, kai's already on his way. think of yourself as the.. bait."

"okay, damon, can we not do this?" alaric asked.

"always ruining the fun, ric," he groaned, and i shivered. the wounds burned my skin and tears stained my eyes.

"i'm sorry, okay?! i'm sorry for what he's done.. i didn't know he was going to do this! punish me instead."

"it's no fun when you're asking," he said, as if it was obvious. which i guess it is, to him. "plus i don't really care about you. parker is dead."

i gasped as damon pulled up his phone, facing the front camera towards us. i tilted my head down as i heard kai's voice on the other line.

"look who's awakeeee!" damon said cheerfully.

"damon, what the hell?! i'm on my way, if you fucking hurt her one more time-"

"what are you gonna do, parker?" damon taunted. "give minutes. wanna say anything, y/n?"

kai was in his car, no radio, just complete silence. "don't come, kai! please just turn around. i'm okay, i promise."

"no, no, no. i'm close, open the damn door damon. it's okay, baby. i'm almost there."

i cried knowing that i had no chance of saving kai, especially in this state. damon and alaric left the room until kai arrived. i continued to try and get out of the chair, but it was no use.

kai rushed through the doors, gulping when he saw me. "that's.. a lot of blood," he whispered. he's still a new vampire, so he doesn't exactly have the lust under control.

"but you know what would be better? if kai accidently killed the love of his life. the guilt for the next thousand years should be way too much to bear.."

"you did this on purpose!" kai yelled, and damon shrugged.


veins appeared under kai's eyes as he rushed over to me, letting his fangs appear. i shook tremendously as he inched towards me, but calmed down when he stopped at the last second, snapping back to reality.

his veins disappeared and his eyes returned back to their normal blue-gray colour. he bit his wrist and fed me blood. "this is all my fault.. this is all my fault," he repeated.

using his vampire speed, he quickly untied me, pulling me into his embrace. "i'm so glad you're okay. i'm so sorry, y/n. i love yo......" he instantly got quiet and fell to his knees, his skin turning gray.

behind him, alaric held his heart in his hands, a regretful look on his face.

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