feelings // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

"thanks for coming," kai said, pacing around the room.

"of course. what's on your mind?"

he sighed, sitting down and running his hands through his hair. "i have this.. weird feeling in my stomach- like.. like there's something moving around in there? does that ever happen to you?"

"um, does it happen when you're happy?" i asked.

"i am never happy."

"okay, first of all, that's a lie. and when does it feel like this, exactly?" i carried on, waiting for a response as he thought about his answer.

"no names or anything, but when i'm with this girl.. i can feel it. like, the feeling in my stomach, i mean. i'm probably just hungry, right? or- or it's like a vampire side effect."

"or you have butterflies when you're with said girl?" he pretended to gag, then groaned. "tell me more."

"she makes me want to be better," he said with a frown. "it's disgusting- like, like i want to be good enough for her. and thinking about her makes me smile. my cheeks turn red but maybe they're just like.. siphoning, or something.."

"kai, you're in love."

"NO!" he yelled. "no, no, no, no, no. not possible. nope. nuh-uh," he said, and i smiled, trying to mask the sadness and jealousy.

truth is, i've always loved kai. i knew he would never feel the same since he didn't feel for anyone at all. i almost couldn't hide my jealousy when he, the sociopath, fell for someone else.

after all of this time, why couldn't it have just been me? who is she?

"how did this happen?" he groaned. "it's like.. i want to see her. i want to be with her every moment of the day and i want to make her smile. but she would never love me. she likes good guys, why would she even think about me. i'm a murderer."

i sat next to him and took his hand in mine, keeping my head towards the ground so that he wouldn't see my expression filled with hurt and sadness.

"kai, listen to me," i said. "you're a good person, i know you are. there's no denying that you've done some.. pretty.. questionable things, but you're so much more than that. you have such a big heart and you refuse to admit it. i'm sure she'll love you, and this girl is delusional if she doesn't."

he smiled, squeezing my hand a bit tighter. a few tears fell into the floor but i wiped them away before he could notice.

"should i tell bonnie that i like her then?"

kai parker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now