you run // kai parker

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whenever someone loves you, you run bc youre insecure like dat.

your p.o.v.

"leave, y/n," kai said angrily, throwing his glass onto the ground. i tried to slowly inch towards him, not wanting him to lash out on me.

"talk to me kai," i whispered, ever-so-gently touching his hand. when he didn't pull away, i laced my fingers with his. "it's okay."

he vigorously shook his head. "it's not.. i'm dangerous, y/n! you can't seriously be stupid enough to think that i care for you. i don't care about anyone."

"you're lying," i said. "that's a lie. you care about me and you know it, kai. don't be afraid. i won't hurt you."

kai laughed. "god, you're so naïve," he said, detaching his fingers from mine.

"this is what you do, kai," i retorted. "you run. why? because you're scared of people caring, or even showing the slightest bit of affection for you. you run because you can't handle it. but, you know what kai? i'm not going anywhere. what you said was shitty, but i'm not going to leave you."

he had finally managed to calm down, and i took that as an opportunity to wrap my arms around him. he towered over me, being way taller than i am.

"i'm afraid of hurting you, y/n," he said quietly. "i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i ever hurt you."

"you could never hurt me.." i whispered, my tears beginning to stain his shirt.

"we both know that isn't true, y/n. you know what i'm capable of. you're better off without me, i promise."

"no. i'm not letting you do this." he pulled away from me, his breathing becoming hard and unsteady.

"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!" he yelled, the veins popping up under his eyes. he glanced at my neck and slowly made his way over, the veins never disappearing. he showed me his fangs as i shrieked. "see, y/n. you're afraid."

my heart was beating faster than ever, and i only stared at him. "there's so many things i could do to you, y/n. accident or not. you're human. we would've never worked out, anyway."

"you're running," i stated, and he shook his head.

"no, i'm facing my biggest fear right here." he came over to me and gently stroked my cheek. my breathing steadied as i realized that, at least for the moment, it's not his intention to hurt me.

"so turn me," i said, and he looked at me. shocked and confused. i could swear i saw the slightest bit of happiness.

he wrapped his arms around his waist and i wrapped mine around his shoulders. "you know i want to, baby.." he said. "but i can't. you have your whole life planned out. i can't take that away from you."

"i can still get my degree. get a job. you'll never have to worry about hurting me, or losing me. i'll be here, with you."

he leaned in and kissed me. it was long, passionate. we only pulled away for air. "i love you, y/n," he whispered. he grabbed my hand, but instead of holding it, he took my bracelet off.

"what.." i mumbled, looking up at him. he had tears falling down his face.

"you're gonna go home. you're going to forget about everything that's ever happened between us. forget that you ever loved me. and don't question how you ended up here."

i looked up at kai. "oh, hi," i said, walking away.

kai parker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now