all i have // kai parker

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if you couldn't tell, i'm in love with mr. malachai parker <3.

your p.o.v.

ever since kai and i started dating, all of my friends began distancing from me, bonnie being the main one. i don't blame her, of course.

i half expected damon or stefan to have my back, but they turned on me, too. caroline shocked me the most. elena, not so much.

they all thought that just because i wanted to be with kai, that i was choosing him over all of my friendships. on top of that, they were angry. they don't know kai like i do. yes, he's done some horrible things, but he can be sweet and gentle. he cares about me, and they're all acting like they haven't done anything as bad as him.

stefan was a ripper. damon used to always put himself before others, caroline and elena were murderers with their humanities off, but they all changed. they're good people. i tried to show them that kai is capable of change too, but they refuse to hear me out.

now, it's just me and kai.

it was lovely in the beginning, he spent so much time with me and helped me keep my mind off of all of my friends who had abandoned me the second i told them i was seeing kai.

now, after 4 months of not seeing my friends and being with kai, he's clearly got more important things to do.

he's got his own battles to fight that are, and i quote, "too dangerous for me." he refuses to let me near any of his enemies, or whatever they are, i can't keep up.

i hardly see him anymore, he doesn't want me to get involved in anything, so he leaves me at home. sometimes he doesn't get back for days at a time. his phone was constantly being blown up on the rare occasions that he did spend time with me.

he left, yet again, to go meet up with some witch or something like that. i scrolled through instagram, seeing something bonnie posted.

it was a picture of her, elena and caroline. i swiped to see a group picture, the three of them plus damon and stefan included.

the last photo was a picture of enzo kissing her cheek. i liked the photo, then tried my best to fight the urge to text them. i failed.

i decided to text our girls group chat, it's been inactive for the last couple of months.

me: hey, how's everyone doing?

after a few hours, i had no response from anyone. i thought nothing of it, maybe they're busy. bored out of my mind, why not try and see what my boyfriend is up to?

me: hey, kai. what are you doing?

kai: talking to the witch. do you need something?

me: i just wanted to text you. where are you? i miss you.

kai: in canada.

me: canada?! what the hell, malachai?

kai: can we talk later? i'm kind of busy.

me: when will you be back?

kai: i don't know. you ask a lot of questions.

i sighed, leaving my messages app and going back to instagram. damon had posted something, too.

him and elena, her with a wide smile whilst damon clutched her cheek. her phone was in her hand, may i add. not to be that girl.

the next photo was of stefan and caroline taking shots together while damon made a face.

so they all had their phones and neither of them wanted to talk to me.

i sighed, staying on my phone for any longer is not gonna make me feel better, so i did what i do best, cried myself to sleep.

i awoke to a very cold, lonely bed, missing kai now more than ever. i wanted someone to talk to, and he was all i had.

me: kai?

kai: yes?

me: are you on your way home?

kai: no. why?

me: i want to talk to you.

kai: is something wrong?

me: no.

kai: what is it, y/n?

me: i miss you malachai.

he didn't respond after that, he only left me on read, which made me ball my eyes out at 9:46am on this lovely saturday morning.

i checked the groupchat with the girls, maybe somebody had responded. i sobbed when the only message that popped up was one that said, "bonnie💞 has left the conversation."

i had nothing to do today. nobody to talk to, nobody who wanted to talk to me, and quite frankly, i saw no need to leave my bed. only to pee every few hours.

i wasn't in the mood for eating. i miss kai, but he doesn't seem to miss me. actually, he seems annoyed by my constant clinginess.

it was 3pm and i got tired of watching marvel movies, so i decided to take a nap. my eyes were very red and puffy from my previous nights of crying myself to sleep.

when i woke up, i felt an arm wrapped around me. i jumped up instantly, turning to see kai.

"kai!" i screamed, throwing myself on top of him, planting kisses all over his face. "y/n," he groaned, lightly pushing me off.

i frowned a bit, getting off of him and sitting at his side. "you're back." i said, still happy but definitely less enthusiastic as before.

"mhm." he mumbled, clearly tired. i sighed and let him go to sleep. my stomach growled and i realized i haven't eaten all day, so as i tried to leave the bed, kai grabbed my wrist, eyes still closed.

"stay." he said quietly, and i cuddled up closely next to him.

"thank you for coming back." i whispered, and he nodded, finally opening his eyes to look at me. "please don't leave me again, you're all i have." my eyes started to water, and i saw sadness in his.

"y/n.." he said, bringing his hand to my face. i couldn't stop myself now, sobs were escaping my mouth and tears streamed down my face.

"i won't leave you anymore, i promise." he said, and i nodded, trying to get closer to him.

"i love you, kai." i said, drawing imaginary circles on his arm.

"i love you too, princess." he whispered before falling asleep.

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