bitten // kai parker

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this ones really long but i really like it and i hope you do too:)

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this ones really long but i really like it and i hope you do too:). word count: 2.2k.

your p.o.v.

kai and i had gotten into another argument. that's 5, just this week. it's only tuesday. it wasn't anything petty this time, though. it was serious, both of us saying things that we will regret after it's all over.

now, here i am, regretting everything as i walked mindlessly through the woods, thinking of all the events that lead up to this.

yelling, things being thrown around, a photo of us shattered on the floor. long story short, he kicked me out and the only place i could think to go to was the salvatore house. i wanted to try and cool down before i went so that they wouldn't see me too upset; i decided to take a walk.

i took a seat on the ground, my back leaning up against a tree. i looked up, seeing the moon shone brightly, lighting up the woods. squinting, i realized something.

"shit," i mumbled, instantly getting up. i heard tree branches snapping in the distance, and my head turned towards the sound.

"run!!!" tyler growled, his eyes already a light brown/yellow colour. i used my vampire speed and took off, hearinng him closely behind me.

he jumped forward and lunged onto me. he bit my arm then ran off to find the rest of the wolves who were howling.

i worriedly looked at my arm, seeing the horrible mark he had left on me. i felt fine, but i knew it wouldn't start hurting for a couple of hours. i pulled my sleeve down in attempt to hide the wound and i made my way to the salvatore mansion.

"y/n?" elena said, getting off of damon.

"uh- sorry to interrupt.. can i stay her for a few days?" i asked awkwardly, seeing her cheeks turn pink.

"sure, if you hear us, just cover your ears," damon said and elena hit him.

"will do," i laughed, making my way to their guest bedroom that i often stayed at whenever kai and i got into arguments. before i made it into the room, i grabbed a roll of paper towels.

closing the door, i pulled my sleeve up to inspect the wound. i lightly dabbed the area with the paper towel and some water, groaning at the intense pain i felt in my arm, beginning to spread throughout the rest of my body.

i tried to keep in my cries as i finished cleaning up the bite area to my best ability. i threw on a fresh hoodie, kai's hoodie and went to sleep after a few hours of tossing and turning.

i woke up, feeling the pain had moved from my arm, to my shoulder and to my opposite arm, and down to my stomach.

my legs wobbled as i tried to get up, but since this was probably going to be my last day, i decided to make the most of it. i masked my pain with a smile as i walked down to the kitchen, happy to see everyone there.

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