elena // damon salvatore

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your p.o.v.

i called damon to see how things were going. "uhm dr. wes is kind of.. dead."

"damon!" i yelled. "y/n!" he snapped back. "did you forget that he tortured me for 5 years and also infected me with this virus that makes me want to kill all of my friends?"

i stayed quiet. "thought so." he replied. "i'll call you later, i'm being a hero and stuff."

okay, damon. it's not like i had anything more to say... it's not like i was going to wish you luck and tell you that i loved you and that i hope you're safe. yeah, just hang up.

after a few minutes i decided to go back down and see what caroline was up to. i was surprised to see everyone here, too. matt, bonnie and tyler have joined the "save-elena" team.

"what're we doing now?" i asked, taking a seat next to matt. "waiting." he replied.

as if right on cue, stefan walked in with nadia in his arms. she looked awful. matt and i got up so that stefan could place her on the couch. i made the mistake of looking at her arm and i almost threw up.

katherine began calling nadia, i didn't pay much attention to the conversation, all i heard was nadia tell katherine to run.

i wasn't sure what katherine was going to do. it's katherine petrova, all she does is run. but, with her daughter on the line? well, i guess it was a mystery for all of us. but, hey, at least we know for sure that that's katherine and not elena.

"you got me!" katherine said, walking in about 20 minutes later. we were losing nadia faster and faster by the second. she quickly made her way to her daughter and i walked away a bit out of respect. everyone else did too.

it was sad seeing nadia go like that. spending her whole life looking for her mother, only to die after a few months of knowing her. it didn't seem fair. i quickly looked away as i began to see nadia's body become gray. a blanket was placed over her corpse.

katherine angrily got up when nadia died. she looked around the room, taking note of all our bodies, gathered around her. i knew she was going to run. neither of us made an attempt to chase after her.

when she pulled open the door, i smiled. there he was, all tall and beautiful, standing in the doorway, a devilish smirk on his face. damon salvatore playing the hero and the villain.

now she was really trapped. "which one of you is going to get the pleasure of killing me? is it you, y/n?" she walked over to me, taunting me.

i said nothing. "be honest, me taking over elena's body is the best thing that ever happened to you. you finally got damon, and we all know you've wanted him all along, but elena here was in the way. be honest, you're better off having me in elena's body."

i didn't notice my hands shaking and i quickly set my glass of bourbon on the table. "y/n? she's messing with you. she's trying to get you angry, that's what she does."

"okay, so elena get's her body back, then what? she's obviously in love with damon. damon's in love with elena. do the math, y/n."

"y/n, ignore her." damon said, making his way toward me.

"wait, i hope you didn't actually think that damon loves you. he's in love with elena. he will always be in love with elena.

i pulled myself from damon's grasp and she made her way to the next person. i took a seat on the chair farthest away from everyone. control your breathing. in. out. panic. i was panicking. i put a hand over my chest.

i stayed only to watch katherine finally be killed once and for all. after that, i disappeared upstairs, getting away from the rest of them as they did a toast to her death. when everyone either left or fell asleep, i went back down to go look for damon.

he was sitting alone and awake, drinking wine. i'm kidding, did you really think he would be drinking anything other than bourbon. "hey." i said with a sigh, taking a seat next to him.

i took the glass out of his hands and swallowed what was left of it. i rested my head on his shoulder and interlocked my fingers with his. "y/n.." he said sadly, in a tone that was all too familiar. it was the tone people used to drop a bomb on you.

"katherine's right, isn't she?" i said.

he didn't reply, only loosened our fingers and took his hand away from mine. "we didn't stand a chance. as long as elena's alive, i'm out of the picture. i'm the side character, the second option. i'll always be the second option."

"y/n-" he tried to say. "it's okay, damon. i love you. i want you to be happy. both of you." that was true, i wanted nothing more than happiness for everyone but myself. of course, because i was always next. the least important character in the movie who dies within the first five minutes.

but, among other things, i needed to get out of here. out of this living room that felt like it was closing up on me, out of this house that seems huge, but once you really get familiar, it's not as big as you think.

i sped out of there, the moment i was out of his grasp. where would i go? back to whitmore? i have nowhere to go.

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