misunderstood // kai parker (pt. 2)

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your p.o.v.

it's been months since we've last seen kai. we've been trying to track him down for ages, but the only clues we have are the trail of dead bodies that he's left behind.

i call his phone everyday, leaving behind voice mails. he probably won't listen to them, but maybe, when he gets his humanity back, he will. it'll be like he never left.

life without kai was almost like hell, or as close it could get to the real thing.

my phone began ringing me, pulling me out of my own thoughts. "hello?" i said, pressing the green button on the screen. i looked back at the computer, trying to continue my research. 2 college students found dead with bite marks in their necks. animal attacks, the page said.

"we've got a lead," stefan said, sounding much like a hero.

"is it the two girls killed at whitmore? because every dead person leads us no where," i sighed, slumping into my chair.

"no, actually," he said. "we found his ID and a bag of pork rinds in a blue lexus, off 291."

i shot up, finally beginning to be hopeful. "oh my god!" i said, running my hands through my hair. "i'm on my way!"

i heard the wind blowing on the other line, "hello?" damon said, i guess taking the phone away from stefan. "look, i think it's best if you don't come. we don't know what kai will do or be like when we see him, and i don't want him to try anything."

groaning, i tried to protest, but he only hung up on me. by the time i even got there, they'd be long gone, so i went back to laying on the couch, waiting for their arrival.

i don't know when, but i fell asleep. i woke up when the front door opened, beaming excitedly when i did.

damon and stefan walked in, each of them helping carry a knocked out kai. "what the hell," i said, looking at them in disgust. "seriously?!"

"we're keeping him in the callar until we figure out a plan," damon said with a sarcastic smirk, walking by me. i caught a glimpse of kai's face that was stained with blood. he almost looked peaceful.

whilst they all ate dinner, i snuck into bonnie's room, stealing the candle that she once stole from the armory. this is a very special candle, it basically kept supernaturals locked in a room, and the only person who can come and go as they please is the person who lit the candle.

i placed the candle in the backseat of my car, then snuck down to the cellar. "y/n??" kai said, hopeful.

"hi, kai," i said with a small smile, glancing at him through the little window.

"god, i'm so sorry, y/n! please forgive me, i- i never meant to hurt you!"

"shut up, kai," i groaned and he just laughed.

"you didn't believe me?" he asked. i shook my head. "not even for a second?"

"no, malachai."

he sighed, hating his name. he used to love the way i said it, but love requires an emotion. and, well...

i opened the cellar door and kai jumped up instantly. "what-" he said.

before he could say more, i shot him a couple of times. that should keep him out for a fee hours.

i dragged his body through the mansion and to the car. damon saw me and rolled his eyes. i put my finger over my lips.

my favourite songs played as i drove to my old vacation home. it wasn't too far, only around two hours. "god this song, music in the 90's was so much better," he groaned.

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