quiet // kai parker (smut)

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your p.o.v.

kai and i are in a relationship. i know, the sociopathic man dating the girl who loves too easily, shocker, right? would it be so surprising to find out that kai actually has feelings? that he is, in fact, capable of love?

you know what's not surprising at all? all of your friends not trusting him, and them expecting you to end up dead on the side of the road next week. i don't blame them for their worries, if i'm being honest.

when i broke the news that kai and i were together, everyone began yelling, that much i can remember. i tried my best to convince everyone that he's changed, he's not the same man he was before, and that they should give him a chance.

they finally agreed that he has one dinner to prove himself to them, otherwise i'm "not allowed to see him," says damon, my overprotective best friend, as if he's my mother or something.

so, here we are, sitting at the grill. "so, kai." damon broke the awkward silence as i took a drink.

"what are your intentions with y/n?" he asked, staring at him deeply. even i felt weirded out.

"who ordered the burger?" the waitress asked, and i let out a sigh of relief. thank god for her. "steak?" she continued to give everyone their food, asked us if we're good, then left.

caroline, elena, bonnie and i all talked amoungst one another whilst the boys had a talk of their own (damon, stefan and matt).

i laughed at one of caroline's cheesy jokes when i felt someone's eyes on me. i looked up to see kai staring at me, and gave him a smile.

"this doesn't taste nearly as good as the food i could cook." he joked. "well, your standards are pretty high." i laughed.

he tried to take one of the fries off of my plate, but i swatted his hand away. "what do you think you're doing?"

"making sure these fries are good enough for my girl." he grinned, reaching for another one and putting it into his mouth. he immediately grabbed a napkin and spat it out. "okay," he said. "they are not."

i laughed again at his stupidity, and looked up from kai's eyes, as hard as that was, and saw the rest of the table staring at us.

"what?" i said and all of the girls smiled with excitement. "he is so in love with you." caroline squealed and i chuckled. "yeah, i'd hope so." i replied.

"who knew kai could fall in love." matt joked (though it wasn't a joke, who would've though?). "i'm happy for you two, y/n."

"thanks, matt." i replied and damon began clapping. "well, well, well." he said. "i guess you've proved to us all that you are worthy of our dear y/n's love, but if you break her heart or hurt her in any way possible, i will kill you."

kai smiled. "you don't scare me damon, but i'll keep that in mind." he winked at me before grabbing another fry off of my plate.

"that's enough!" i fake scolded. "you're cute when you're mad" he said.

i almost choked on my food whilst talking to elena. "woah, are you okay?" she asked.

"fine." i croaked out, trying me best to give a reassuring smile. i looked under the table to see kai using his magic. of course.

he could use his magic for many things, killing people, for example, yet he chose to use it on me, to touture me in public, with my friends, at that.

kai used his magic to create an invisible hand, touching the inner part of my thighs, getting closer and closer to the part where i wanted to be touched the most, just not here.

he traced his thumb on my clit, creating invisible eight's. "fuck." i whispered under my breath, hoping nobody heard me. nobody did, except kai, of course, he couldn't take his eyes off of me. he took pleasure in watching me suffer, just itching to get out of here.

two of his fingers found their way into my dripping wet hole, and i faked a cough to hide my moan. he pumped his fingers at a slow pace, and though i wanted him to stop, i begged for more.

i put my hand on my face to cover up the faces i was making, digging my fingernails into my palms to stop myself from doing anything worse.

"stop." i mouthed to kai, and he only returned a devilish smirk as he began to pump his fingers inside of me.

i squeezed my eyes shut as i tried not to make a face. "y/n?" bonnie put her hand on my shoulder. "are you alright?"

"great." i said, biting of my gums to stop an unholy noise from escaping my lips. "a-actually, i'm really not feeling well. i think i had too much to ate, ah-"

kai pretended to look worried, all while continously increasing the pace of his fingers. he slid out of the booth and made his way over to me.

he helped me up and i nearly fell, due to the wobbling of my legs. "what are you doing to her?" damon was quick to get up and kai backed away.

"this isn't me," he lied. "i'd never do anything to hurt her." he looked at me after saying that, and i knew that much was true.

i mumbled a goodbye and thank you to everyone, trying my best to put down money, but with kai's free hand, he threw a $50 bill on the table.

he helped me walk to the car, opened all doors for me like the gentleman he is, and even put my seatbelt on for me.

"what the hell is your problem?" i asked as he got settled, and he laughed. "it was awkward and i was bored," he shrugged.

"kai you can-" i was cut off by another moan which i could now let out freely since nobody was around.

"i can, princess." he smiled, driving back home. he thruster his fingers in and out, and i tried my best to hold in my orgasm which i've been dying to let out ever since we were at the restaurant.

"let it out, baby. cum for me." he winked, taking pride in watching my eyes squeeze shut and my mouth hang wide open.

i finally let go, and i no longer felt the magic hand on me. he took his right hand off the steering wheel and brought it to my dripping wet cunt, pulling my panties down without taking his eyes off the road.

his hand moved around, and i moaned, still be sensitive. he made sure to collect all of the cum from off of my pussy, and sucked it off of his fingers, moaning at the taste.

i looked down to see his insanely large, growing buldge and smiled.

"this is your fault." he gestured to it.

kai parker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now