rachel (finale) // kai parker

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your p.o.v.

since there was no sign of kai coming home anytime soon, i called caroline, bonnie and elena to help me set up the picnic. and, as annoyed as i am with kai, i will not let him ruin the only thing i've been looking forward to for the last three months.

care did most of the decorating, as per usual. and she even brought some stuff of her own, like vases and flowers. "do not break this, i will literally tear your head off if you do, got it?" she said, placing it on the ground and i laughed.

"loud and clear," i replied, as elena arranged some flowers.

caroline groaned as bonnie and i watched in amusement. "no, no, no!!! ughhh, seriously?! you don't mix them, pinks over here, whites over here."

"caroline, it's fine-"

"no, it's not fine! i didn't get to do this with stefan so i am doing it for you and kai. end of discussion." that shut us all up instantly and she quickly apologized. "sorry.. i.. this is your anniversary. tell me how you want it down and i'll do it, with complaints."

we grinned, getting back to work, and i felt happy. for a little while, anyway, until i remembered that i am planning an anniversary dinner whilst my boyfriend is out with his ex doing god-knows-what.

i also remembered the moment that rachel and kai shared yesterday. and, call me petty, but this is my weak attempt at trying to win him back.

when we finished, i hugged them all goodbye and drove back home. thankfully, kai was in the kitchen, cooking something and i let out a sigh of relief. "where were you?" i asked, feeling grateful that i left all of the gifts in the car.

"with.. um.. rachel," he said awkwardly. "we were just hanging out."

"uh-huh.." he kept his back faced to me and i ignored it, all of it, and just went upstairs to get ready. i showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, did my hair and slipped on my dress that i had saved for tonight. it fit my personality perfectly, i thought, and i just couldn't wait to wear it.

i put in some earrings and a necklace as kai walked in, thirty minutes before it's time to leave. i want to get there in time to watch the sunset.

"where are you going?" kai asked, and i swear, all i wanted to do in that moment was scream.

"the date i planned for us? months ago? remember?" i said impatiently, putting the back of my earring on.

"uh..." he said, as if he was trying to recall those words ever coming out of my mouth.

"please, just get ready kai."

"i'm meeting with rachel tonight, we got tickets to see the neighbourhood and i really can't miss this."

"seriously, kai?!" i snapped. "all you ever do is hand out with her, and i'm trying not to be the jealous and clingy girlfriend, but you've hardly looked at me in the last four weeks?" i inhaled, remembering what nt therapist had taught me.

he seemed taken aback and we just stood there, eyeing once another like prey. "do you even know what today is?" i whispered, and he froze.

"it's our anniversary. and you promised me, months before rachel showed up, that you would clear your entire schedule to spend the night with me."

kai stayed quiet, now looking at the ground. i've never wanted him to speak more than i do right now. slowly, i approached him, tilting his head so that he had to look at me.

"kai.." i said, and a sob errupted from my mouth, one that's been longing to come out for a long while, but i just held it in and fought my way through it. "if you want to be with her, tell me. i don't want to sit here, waiting for you and watching you fall in love with another woman. just tell me. please."

guilt settled into his eyes as he gently cupped my face in his hands, a feeling that i've grown to love. it was his way of comforting me whenever i was panicking.

"i really care about you, y/n." and you love me. please say that you love me. "but i.. i'm sorry. god, this is such a horrible thing to do on our anniversary. it's just.. rachel, she.."

"i get it. i do. goodbye, kai." my words came out rushed, i didn't want him to see me cry anymore right now. "i'll get my stuff tomorrow, okay? i'll.. uh.. text you." i had to put a hand over my mouth to stop another sob from coming out, and i ran downstairs, grabbing the keys to my car.

"goodbye, kai," i whispered, knowing that he could hear me before walking out the front door.

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